
Mythology - Episode 13

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Heart of a Gorgon Part 2

*Back and the amphitheatre, Blue and the others sat before the goddess Athena with widened eyes and jaws that wanted to gap from the revelation presented before them, minus Rage soon sat upon the ground and panted slightly*

Blue: So if you hadn’t turned Medusa into a Gorgon, Zeus would’ve done something worse to her?

Athena: In the likelihood, yes… Father is never one to go back when there is justice to be dealt. Looking back on it now…maybe I should've let him punish her. Death may have been the better alternative to a life of living as something no-one could ever love.

Andrea: That poor girl…

Leon: Hmm… But I feel like that isn't the end of this story.

Athena: And you'd be right… That was only the beginning. For the next hundred years, Medusa lived on that island with the Gorgon sisters, Stheno and Eyurale, free from anyone who would ridicule and harm her, her heart slowly turning to one of uncaring stone. However, during that time, rumors began to circulate back on the mainland, rumors of a terrifying creature whose glare could turn anything to stone and of the high reward for any man who managed to bring back its head. Many brave souls went out to find the fabled Medusa, whether it be for the reward, fame, or glory. But they all made one fatal mistake… They all looked at her first. Soon, almost the entire island was littered with many cold statues of those who foolish to seek her out. All dying once their eyes met hers. Medusa, on the other hand, now had her very own garden of stone, tending to each statue like a precious flower while those attempted to flee from this fate were met by her immortal adopted sisters. But one day…all this would change.


*Delphi, 100 years ago. The sacred temple of Apollo, the home of the ever-fabled Pythia or Oracle of the great god. Here within the polished stone construct which could be mistaken as pure marble, a long figure slowly steps forth before a lone seated woman whose face was concealed by her long cowl and hood*

Athena: *narrating* In the temple of Apollo, within the city-state of Delphi, King Acrisius of Argos had come seeking the fabled Oracle, in hopes that he would ask for a son, an heir to the throne of his kingdom.

*Acrisius quietly gulped a bit as he strode forth to the hooded figure, trying not to seem nervous before the seer. Once he managed to stand a good distance from the seat, a long silence soon hung within the temple space*

King Acrisius: *clears his throat* Oh, hail fair Pythia! Priestess of Apollo, Oracle of the Olympians! Please heed my plea and reveal to me my fortune!

Pythia: King Acrisius of Argos… Your wish is to have a son… One who would one day be crowned king, and keep the family lineage strong and alive.

King Acrisius: *nods* Yes, yes! Exactly so!

Pythia: *takes a deep breath* I'm sorry, your majesty…but you shall never have a son.

King Acrisius: *is crushed* No… No.

Pythia: However…your daughter shall.

King Acrisius: *raises an eyebrow* D-Daughter? My precious Danaë? *thinks it over* Well, that's not bad… A strong grandson would be ideal to bear my crown.

Pythia: And one day, when he comes of age…he shall kill you.

King Acrisius: *eyes widen in shock* W-WHAT?! S-Surely you jest! My grandson, one of my blood…MURDER ME?!

Pythia: I have foreseen it.

King Acrisius: T-This cannot be… No…No…No… *slowly turns away from the Oracle as he keeps muttering the word over and over to himself*

Pythia: Try as you might to ignore it, King Acrisius, you cannot deny the words of the gods. You cannot escape your fate… You cannot escape your destiny! You shall die at the hands of your daughter’s son!

*Acrisius trembled as he left the temple, still muttering to himself as he was in deep shock*

Athena: *narrating* The Oracle's words haunted Acrisius as he made the journey back to Argos. Eventually from his shock and terror, the king soon shifted to that of defiance - seeking now to escape his apparent fate. At his command, a great bronze tower was erected far from his palace and when it was finished, he brought forth his only daughter and had her sealed within.

*Many months later, King Acrisius dragged his daughter, Danaë, a fair maiden with soft brown hair and lovely green eyes, through the hallways of the newly-built tower which bore no windows. They soon came upon a large door at the very top of the tower, which had a large bolted lock on it. Once there, Acrisius opened the door, threw Danaë in, and slammed the door shut, locking it from the outside*

Danaë: Father? Father! *bangs upon the door* Please, father!

King Acrisius: Here you shall stay for the rest of your days, where I can keep an eye on! You shall never conceive a child… And I shall remain king…FOREVER!!! Ha ha ha ha ha!! looks up at the ceiling, smiling Do you hear me, Pythia?! I have outwitted you!! I have outwitted the great and wise Oracle!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

Danaë: What are you talking about?! Father!! *bangs on the door some more* Father, please!! Don’t do this!!

*However, Acrisius was already gone from the door, returning back to his palace as he left his sole child alone within her new metallic prison, laughing away like a madman*

Athena: *narrating* There poor Danaë stayed for many days, practically starving to death. Most of her days, she spent sitting upon her bed on the floor - sobbing heavily from her hunger and loneliness. Surely this innocent girl was doomed to die alone and miserable in that horrible tower and that the Oracle's prediction would never come to pass. That was…until something bizarre, or perhaps miraculous occurred…

*One night, as Danaë wept on the floor, something small and shinning fell from the ceiling and landed gently on her head. Danaë paused in her weeping, blinking a bit before gazing up to her ceiling as another small thing drops upon her cheek. She then took her hand, plucked it from her cheek and held close to her eyes. It looked like a tiny golden grain of sand. Suddenly before she could investigate it further, more golden flecks began to pour down upon her head*

Athena: *narrating* My father, Zeus, had heard poor Danaë's weeping and came to her in the form of a magical golden shower. From this strange union, something amazing concurred.

*One day, King Acrisius walked down the hallway of the bronze tower, up to the door of the room that held his daughter prisoner.

King Acrisius: It has been over a year. Surely now, my daughter must be dead. *sighs sadly* Such a pity. If only…

*Just then a soft noise coming from within her room came out, alerting the elderly king*

King Acrisius: Hmm? What was that? It doesn't like her usual sobbing… Unless… *eyes widen in fear*

*Acrisius was quick to flee down the stairs before eventually returning a pair of armored soldiers equipped with sharp axes before standing before the bedroom door*

King Acrisius: Cut it down! Cut that door down NOW!!

*With that command, the soldiers soon swung hard with their blades, slamming hard into the door as the axes tore it apart until finally when the door was shredded into bits of mere wood, the king and his soldiers were greeted by a sight that should have been impossible… There, laying on the floor of the room, was Danaë, as healthy as ever, and with a baby wrapped in rags held close to her breast*

Athena: *narrating* Zeus had saved Danaë’s life by fornicating with her. And after nine months of being locked in the tower by her wicked father, she gave birth to a son, whom she named Perseus. Acrisius, seeing the child in his daughter‘s arms, was now more afraid then ever of the Oracle's words! He'd have ordered them killed right there on the spot… But realizing that the baby was of Zeus’ blood and for fear of his wrath had he have killed the child and its mother…he decided to let nature do the job instead.

*Much later, Acrisius and his men were at the top of a large cliff overlooking the sea, forcing a kicking and screaming Danaë, along with her baby into a large iron chest and filled parts of it with heavy stones*

King Acrisius: *looking down at his daughter and her baby inside the chest* You brought this upon yourself, my daughter…

Danaë: *is silent as she looks to her father with pleading eyes*

King Acrisius: *closes his eyes as he looks away* Shove them off now.

*One of the king's soldiers closed the lid, sealing Danaë and her baby within the chest and locking it tight. With a nod to his comrade, the two men soon lifted the now-heavy chest closer to the edge before tossing it down to the tide below with all their strength*

Athena: *narrating* Like a stone thrown into a pond, the heavy iron chest containing Danaë and Perseus was dropped into the sea, But surprisingly, despite how heavy it was and with all the stones placed inside, the chest did not sink! Instead, the waves seemed to gently move the chest along, sending it forth to a new direction far from Argos. Many days and nights passed, and just as it seemed all hope was lost for Danaë and her baby, the chest bumped into the side of a small fishing vessel. The bump was enough to awake its sole occupant, a kind elderly man with green eyes and long white hair with a long beard to match, who was in the midst of a nap. Seeing the chest floating beside his boat, the old man, Dictys, lifted the lid and was surprised to see Danaë and little Perseus inside, alive and well, with not a single bruise on them. Captivated by the lovely young woman and her beautiful baby, he brought them onboard his boat and invited them to live with him in his home on the far off island of Serifos. There, he would raise Danaë as his own daughter and her baby boy as his own grandchild.

*Many years later, on the shores of the island of Serifos, a now-young adult Perseus was returning from another successful fishing trip with his adopted grandfather, kindly Dictys, the younger man having short-cut black hair and brown eye alongside a perfect smile as he carried a filled net over his shoulder*

Perseus: *laughs* And when that fish pulled you into the water!! Ha ha ha!! Oh, the look on your face!

Dictys: *huffs* Keep laughing, boy. At least I wasn't the one who got slapped twice by a fish's tail!

Perseus: Oh, like that's never happened to anyone else!

Dictys: *chuckles* A good catch today nonetheless… And perfect for both market and lunch!

Perseus: Yup! Mom's gonna be so happy when she sees all these fish!

Dictys: Indeed, though I do wonder how many of the village men are now standing outside just to get a peek…

Perseus: If there are, I'll chase them off with the pitchfork again!

Dictys: Last time it was the axe we have for chopping wood…

Perseus: Either way, if there is anyone there drooling for mom's affections, they'll get what's coming to them!

*This kept the elder fisherman chuckling as the pair soon made their way towards a small cabin close to the shore of the island. It was decorated in fishing nets, old fishing lines and wood coming from previous fishing vessels, the cabin looked more to be a rundown shack but to the family who lived there, it was home*

Perseus: Mom, we're home!

Danaë: *looking over her shoulder while she was in the midst of sweeping* Perseus! My baby! *smiles happily as she embraces her son*

Perseus: Wait'll you see the fish grandpa and I caught today!

Danaë: *smiles* I shall prepare for dinner then.

Perseus: Great!

Dictyts: *comes in* And the rest will be sold at the marketplace.

*But as Dictys was about to step inside, the sound of a horn being called out in the distance alerted the family to a coming presence*

Dictys: *furrows his brow* Oh no…

Perseus: *raises an eyebrow* W-What was that?

Dictys: Big trouble…

*At once, a small band of armed warriors with sashes colored in the royal colors of the kingdom soon march forth in the distance, headed by a lone figure carrying a scroll in hand as the troop met its way to the cabin. It was not long before the newcomers soon stood just outside the open door before the scroll-bearer soon steps forth, clearing his throat*

Messenger: Is this the dwelling of the maiden known as Danaë?

Perseus: Who wants to know?

Messenger: We have come on behalf of our great king, Polydectes, who expresses great interest in her.

Dictys: Oh dear…

Perseus: The king? Interested in my mother?

Messenger: Hmm? So you are her son Perseus then?

Perseus: I am.

Messenger: Hmm… Our most humble king has also expressed an interest in meeting you as well, Perseus. You and your mother are to come with us this instant.

Perseus: *looks to Danaë* Mother...?

Danaë: *pause* I am afraid we have no choice. We shall heed to your king's wishes, but promise me…that there will be no harm to my son.

Messenger: You have our word, my lady.

Perseus: *sighs* Alright… We’ll go see what the king wants.

Messenger: A wise decision… Come now, we must not keep His Highness waiting… *turns around*

Dictys: *whispers* Be careful, Perseus… Polydectes is not one to be trusted!

Perseus: *whispers* I'll be on my guard then. Thanks, Grandpa.

*Soon mother and son quietly went outside their home, taking their place alongside the messenger and soldiers before the group soon began their walk forth from the cabin, leaving behind a worried Dictys*

*A while later, the group had arrived at the gleaming gates that lead to the royal palace of Serifos, featuring statues of nymphs, gods, warriors and tellings of the king's 'heroic deeds' for the island. At every corner, soldiers and servants move about along the courtyard, each assigned to their respective task*

*It was not long before the group was allowed through the gates, soon making their way directly into the palace's throne room where countless nobles from the island and its neighbors were gathered - drinking, feasting and laughing with mirth. Though in the center of the hall was the large throne belonging to the isle's ruler himself who was sipping from a goblet*

Danaë: *quietly* Kneel, Perseus...

Perseus: *nods* Yes, mother… *slowly kneels down before the throne*

Messenger: May I present, his royal majesty, King Polydectes, ruler of the island of Serifos!

King Polydectes: Hmm? *gazes down from his seat as he eyes both Danaë and Perseus* Ah yes, my little guests of honor… Welcome, welcome.

Danaë: We are honored that you would invite us to your home, your majesty… But what is the nature of our visit?

King Polydectes: Why, you two are here to hear of my special announcement, of course!

Perseus: And what would that be, your majesty?

King Polydectes: For many years, I have ruled the island alone, and I began to find myself longing to hear little footsteps running about in the palace halls. The footsteps of my heirs… My lineage! And so I came to a decision. *looks to the herald at his side*

Herald: *clears his throat* His majesty is to be married, and he has chosen your mother, Danaë, to be his bride.

Perseus: WHAT?!

King Polydectes: Quite the surprise, I know! You should feel honored, my boy! It's not every day that you gain a stepfather, who also happens to be a king!

Perseus: I refuse to let you lay a finger upon my mother, you snake!

Danaë: Perseus, please! *looks to Polydectes* Your majesty, I'm flattered with your generous offer of marriage, but…I'm afraid I must refuse. For you see, I have no need for a husband. I am very happy living with my son by the sea with our kind old friend, Dictys. I hope you understand.

King Polydectes: Hmmm… Such a pity then, for if you refuse…I would have no chance but exile both you and your friend from the island forever.

Danaë: W-W-What?!

Perseus: You can't be serious! You can't exile us and Dictys! This island has been our only home!

King Polydectes: Well, unless your mother decides to change her mind and marry me, I'm afraid exile is the only alternative. After all, if I can't have her…no one can.

Perseus: Please, there must be something else! Anything to keep our home and freedom…I swear to the gods I will do any task you desire, as so long you lay not a hand on my mother or my grandfather!

*Those rash words drew a gasp from Danaë who looked to her son with widened eyes and hands nearing her mouth though the seated king's lips soon curled into a smirk*

King Polydectes: Any task…I so desire? Is that correct?

Perseus: *nods* On my word.

King Polydectes: Hmm… *strokes his chin in thought* Very well, I shall withhold…but ONLY if you, and only YOU, can bring to me…the head of the monster they call…Medusa.

Perseus: *raises an eyebrow* M-Medusa?

King Polydectes: Aye, Medusa, the Gorgon. A terrible thing, half woman/half reptile, with a mass of wriggling snakes for hair! But I suppose that seems too much for you to handle…

Perseus: No! No, it's just…I've…never heard of this "Medusa" before.

King Polydectes: So…you are set to handle this task then?

Perseus: *takes a deep breath* If there is no other way to guarantee the safety of my mother and grandfather…then yes, I shall get you the head of this monster.

King Polydectes: *smiles, clapping his hands* Bravo, bravo! I am most pleased to hear. *looks to his gathered court* My honored guests, we have quite the hero among us! This young man shall do the brilliant thing - he shall bring to me…the Gorgon's head!

Danaë: Perseus, please! Don't do this!!

Perseus: I can't go back on my word now, mom. I must do this for us…and for our home.

Danaë: But…

Perseus: *hugs her close* Don't worry, I promise I’ll come back alive. And besides, I’ve faced fierce storms out at sea and the creatures that live in it, how bad can one overgrown lizard be? *smiles*

King Polydectes: *to himself* More than you know, my boy… More than you know.

Athena: *narrating* And so Perseus was rash to accept this bold quest, driven by the will to protect his mother and adopted grandfather from the king's cruel intent. When he returned home, he was quick to gather a few things and made his goodbyes before setting sail upon one of the smaller boats Dictys kept. However as he soon began his journey, already poor Danaë and Dictys began to worry.

Danaë: O great Zeus… Please… Hear my prayer… Watch over our son… Protect him on his journey to find Medusa.

Dictys: May ye noble gods keep that boy safe…

*A few days out at sea and within the small boat, Perseus was laying down to rest with his eyes shut - now adorned in a simple earthly red tunic that hung a bit over his right shoulder, along with a red cape that was pinned to the tunic with a bronze emblem. He sighed quietly as he napped before his boat suddenly seemed to stop moving*

Perseus: *opens his eyes and blinks* Hmm?

*Perseus soon sat up as he found that his boat had come to a stop upon the shore of mainland of Greece, where he saw nothing but large, rocky cliffs with some bushes and trees scattered all around*

Perseus: Hmm… *looking around* I wonder where I am.

*Perseus got out of the boat, dragged it up onto the beach, managing to drag it behind a large boulder he noted close to the sea to hide away from any possible thieves. Quickly grabbing his things, the young man soon began to climb up the stony cliffs. When he had finally reached the top, he was hot and exhausted*

Perseus: *wipes the sweat from his brow* Whew!! *pants* That…was a long climb…

*As Perseus reached for his canteen to take a sip of water, he heard a soft groan that seemed to be coming closer to him*

???: W-Water… Water…please…

*Perseus looked to see an old man with long gray hair, a withered face, dressed in old rags and carrying a walking stick. However it seemed like the elder was in dire need, his face deep red and his breathing heavy as he seemed exhausted*

Old Man: Water, please… Could you spare some for an old soul like me?

Perseus: Oh! Oh yes, of course. *walks over to the old man, offering his canteen* Here, drink to your heart's content. You look like you need it more than I do anyway.

Old Man: *slowly nods, soon drinking forth from the canteen*

Perseus: Feeling better?

Old Man: Very much, thank you. *smiles* And to note, this isn't the right direction if you seek Medusa.

Perseus: *eyes widen in shock* How did you know I was--?

*The old man smiled more, suddenly spinning around rapidly before he stood not as the elderly gentleman, but the youthful god Hermes*

Hermes: Liked my little trick? I can do more if you want to see!

Perseus: Hermes?!

Hermes: The one and only!

Perseus: Oh! Oh, forgive me, I-- *bows low*

Hermes: Oh, come on, don‘t do that! Get up! You're embarrassing yourself. I mean, we’re practically brothers, you and I!

Perseus: S-Sorry… *gets up* But what brings you to me? Did my father send you?

Hermes: Yup! *to himself* Though mostly Athena. *to Perseus* Anyway, I’m here to help you on your quest to bring back the head of Medusa.

Perseus: Help? But I gave King Polydectes my word that I would have no aid in slaying the monster.

Hermes: Oh? And did the king tell you what would happen if you were to look at Medusa's face?

Perseus: He didn't really mention anything about her expect her appearance…

Hermes: An appearance so horrifying, that any man would turn to stone upon first glance of her face. Guess he failed to mention that, huh?

Perseus: *surprised* W-What?! She can do that?!

Hermes: Oh yeah, her whole island is practically littered with the stone bodies of those who also wanted to claim her head for fortune and glory… And you were about to become one of them… Just as King Polydectes was hoping for.

Perseus: *clenches a hand into a fist* That snake… He tricked me! He's no better than the creature he sent me after!

Hermes: Oh, I wouldn't say that, Perseus. If only you knew the whole story… But, no time for that now, you have a mom and grandpa to save.

Perseus: But how am I supposed to get Medusa’s head without getting turned to stone?

Hermes: Easy. First, you’re going to need some weapons, and I know just the girls who can provide you with the ones you need.

Perseus: Who?

Hermes: The Stygian Nymphs, beautiful women who dwell in a hidden place and know the way to Medusa's isle.

Perseus: So where can I find them?

Hermes: To find the nymphs, you must first seek out the Graeae Sisters… Three hideous old hags with only one eye between them… And they DON'T like visitors. You must find their lair and get them to talk, for only they know where the nymphs reside.

Perseus: I see… And I suppose you know where I can find these…Graeae Sisters?

Hermes: Of course.

Perseus: *sighs in relief* Alright, I should hand down back to the beach and ready my boat--

Hermes: Not fast enough. Polydectes seeks to marry your mother in only a few days time. In order to complete your journey before the wedding takes place, you're going to need these… *reaches into his satchel and pulls out a pair a of flapping, winged shoes*

Perseus: Winged shoes? For me?

Hermes: Sure. We're brothers, aren't we? It’s the least I can do. *the shoes struggle in his grasp* Hey! Whoa!! *maintains his control over the shoes* Sorry about that, these shoes haven't been broken in yet. They're still a little feisty.

Perseus: I'll try to do my best with them then.

Hermes: Good. *hands Perseus the shoes* Just slip ‘em on and they'll take you where you want to go faster than the winds!

Perseus: *kicks off his normal sandals before carefully slipping on the winged pair* Easy now…

Hermes: And now, I must be off. Good luck, Perseus, and know that you’ve got support! But be quick, for time is now your greatest enemy! *hovers above the ground* Farewell!! *flies off and disappears into the sky*

*Perseus waved as he watched his half-brother soar away before looking down at his own winged shoes on his feet*

Perseus: Alright, shoes…show me the way…lead me to the Graeae Sisters!

*In an instant, the winged shoes flapped at a rapid pace, lifting Perseus off the ground and into the air, the young man nearly leaning back with flailing arms before he managed to straighten himself as the shoes soon zipped through the air*

Perseus: WHOOOOAAAA!!!! E-Easy there!!

Athena: *narrating* Guided now only by the winged sandals given to him by Hermes, Perseus found himself zooming over land and sea, over many cities and kingdoms as he was guided forth to where the ancient Graeae Sisters dwelled. It was not long before the scenery around him began to change, the blue skies soon began gray and cloudy while the earth below was turning black and stony, littered with scattered dead trees and bushes. The air around him became cold while he could hear the boom of thunder in the distance. This land was not the faint of heart and Perseus knew this ever then.

*As Perseus landed onto the blackened soil, he heard no sound of any bird, beast or any possible creature around him - only eerie silence*

Perseus: Hmm… This is a bit unsettling… *hears distant thunder once more*

*Just then, Perseus heard another sound coming from a cave just up ahead from where he was standing. The noise resembling that of some struggling, coughing, and whispered yelling. Curious, he quietly stepped forth to the mouth of the cave and soon tilted his head for a peek. And that is when he saw them… None other than the Graeae Sisters, themselves. And Hermes' description was rather spot-on, hurled against  a stony wall sat a trio of ancient grizzled pale women whose white hair was extremely long and the nails of their fingers and toes long and cracked. Each was dressed in a crude gray-furred tunic with a snakeskin belt around the waist thought the most unearthly feature was the lack of any visible teeth in their mouths...and the eyeless sockets they had. However the three seemed engaged in a childish struggle over something as Perseus noted before his eyes managed to see sight of something...disturbing. What the hags were fussing over was a single slimy eyeball with a bright violet pupil, the thing often bouncing into one sister's hand before the other slapped it away*

1st Graeae Sister: Here now, give the eye to me, sister!

2nd Graeae Sister: Says you! You had it all to yourself last time! Gimme it!

3rd Graeae Sister: Shut up, you two! It's MY turn to use the eye!

Perseus: Hmm… *looks to the eye before smiling, suddenly having an idea*

1st Graeae Sister: Aren’t you done with it yet?

2nd Graeae Sister: It's only been a few minutes!

3rd Graeae Sister: I said shut up, for Zeus' sake!!

Perseus: *whispers to himself* C'mon… C'mon…

1st Graeae Sister: Hurry it up already!!

2nd Graeae Sister: Oh fine! *soon removes the eyeball from her socket before tossing it into the air*

Perseus: *jumps forward and snatches the eye out of the air* Ha!

3rd Graeae Sister: Eh? What was that?

1st Graeae Sister: I don't know! What do you see?

2nd Graeae Sister: Well, I don't have it anymore!

1st Graeae Sister: What?! Well then, where is it?!

3rd Graeae Sister: Quick, search the ground!

2nd Graeae Sister: *feels around the ground with her hands* Where could it have gone?!

Perseus: *holds out the eye* Here it is!! I have it! I have your eye!!

1st Graeae Sister: *looks around, blindly* Who said that?!

3rd Graeae Sister: A man! An intruder, a thief!!

Perseus: Yes, I am a man! I am Perseus, son of Zeus, and I seek the Stygian Nymphs! You will tell me where I may find them or so help me, I'll squish your eyeball into goop!!

2nd Graeae Sister: Y-You won't…You wouldn't dare…

Perseus: Try me! I have a lot at stake and I'm in no mood to deal with bickering hags like you! *lightly squeezes on the eye*

Graeae Sisters: *in unison* NO! WAIT!!

Perseus: Yes?

1st Graeae Sister: We shall tell you what you wish to know…

Perseus: Well then, spit it out! I'll only give back the eye AFTER you've told me! NOT before! And no tricks either!

1st Graeae Sister: You must go to where the River Styx flows from the Underworld into the mortal world.

2nd Graeae Sister: There you shall find the Nymphs waiting…

3rd Graeae Sister: It is the far north of here…

Perseus: Is that it? Is that all I need to do?

1st Graeae Sister: We’ve told you everything we know…

Graeae Sisters: *in unison* NOW GIVE US BACK THE EYE!!!!

Perseus: Hmm… Very well. Thank you for your kind assistance, ladies… Here, you can have this back… Catch! *tosses the eyeball back to the trio though quickly wipes his hand upon the cave wall of the slime* Yuck…

2nd Graeae Sister: *catches the eye* Yes! *holds up the eye* I have it! I have the eye!!

3rd Graeae Sister: Give it to me, it's my turn!

2nd Graeae Sister: You already had your turn before the boy snatched it away!!

3rd Graeae Sister: No I didn’t!

1st Graeae Sister: You liar!!

Perseus: *groans* I'm outta here! See ya! *flies off into the air*

Athena: *narrating* While the Sisters would resume our eternal bickering, Perseus soared through the sky as his shoes guided him forth to where the Nymphs were said to wait. Eventually it was not long before he noted a different shift in the terrain below, the land now half blackened and half alive, the sky partly cloudy with bits of sunlight illuminating over what it could touch. And soon he caught sight of a long winding river that seemed so strange to behold. Suddenly something like a soft sweet whisper came into his ear, he didn't understand what it was saying though he felt it oddly warm and welcoming. Soon, he managed to land softly on one side of the flowing river, gazing around his surroundings before calling out for the Nymphs to appear. It was then that three graceful shapes rose forth from the eerie waters of the Styx, each holding an item in arm; these were the Nymphs themselves. The first carried a gleaming sword that could cut through anything while the second held in her hands a magic helmet that could turn its wearer invisible. But the third and last held up a bright shield which surface reflected perfectly like a mirror. Without a word, each of the nymphs came forth, giving Perseus a kiss on the cheek alongside their respective gift and also the directions to where Medusa dwelled…

*Soon enough, the island where Medusa and the Gorgon sisters dwelled was dead ahead for young Perseus who managed to arrive after a couple days of flying and rest, the mist that coated the land slowly parting though the feeling in the air had him clenching tight to the handle of his newly-given sword. As Perseus landed on the shore of the island, he was quick to note the legions of statues that littered the landscape, most being of warriors about to strike or cowering in fear though there were a few of beasts set either in running away or lunging forth. The overall feel of the land was unsettling, Perseus swearing that he was getting goosebumps from merely glancing at each statue though his bravery blazed more as time was more his foe than the monster*

Perseus: *gulps nervously* Well… At least I know I'm at the right place… But now I wish I hadn't found it. *shakes his head, takes deep breaths* Do it for mom… Do it for mom… Do it for mom…

*With his heart and mind setting his courage on high, he soon came to a soft landing in a patch of dried grass, raising up his shield first while he kept his sword close by. Quietly he began to make his way through the path made out by the 'constructs' around him, eventually coming forth to the mouth of a great cave*

Perseus: Okay, this must be where she lives… *takes out the helmet* Now to see if this helmet really works.

*As soon as he placed the helmet over his head, suddenly his entire being vanished, even his tools in hand which left our hero much surprised though excited more. His vision however was different as the world around him now seemed a bit darker, looking more blue than usual*

Perseus: Huh, this is curious… *looks ahead at the mouth of the cave* Well…here I go. *walks into the cave*

*At first, darkness was the first thing that greeted Perseus as he began a long descent towards wherever laid within the vast cavern around him. But soon, it was not long before he saw faint specks of light up ahead and was quick to discover them to be dimly-lit torches, the flames slowly dancing which only added to the uneasy mood he was getting. Soon, he found a few scattered statues around him, having to watch his step as these were toppled over and broken into rubble upon the stony floor*

Perseus: *quietly* Jeez, look at you guys. Was honor and glory really worth sacrificing your lives for? *resists the urge to gulp as he treks forth* I mean, what were you trying to prove anyway?

*Before he continued on with his slight rant, his eyes would soon behold a strange and terrifying sight in front of him - a colossal temple somehow able to fit within the confines of the cave itself though most of its structure was broken, falling apart and worst*

Perseus: *quietly* Whoa…

*Taking a deep breath, he soon stepped through what he supposed was once the front door to the temple, finding that the interior was much as the same as the outside, bits of pillars, statues and such all over the floor and fallen and walls sported numerous cracks though there were a few that remained intact that depicted a monstrous eye and some kind of serpentine creature with wings. However gazing upon such markings made him feel even more uneasy that he was quick to move on, searching for the monster he came for*

*Just then the sound of ominous reptilian hissing filled the air, alerting Perseus that he wasn't alone. On instinct he raised up his shield, soon going deeper into the ruined temple with his guard up. Perseus made great care not to make too much noise while slowly making his way into the temple, for fear of alerting what may lurk inside. Another hiss had him ready his sword as his eyes soon noted a bit of shadow moving. As he approached closer, he could make out the faint outline of what appeared to be a woman, tall and gaunt, moving about though what was her hair…was truly a nest of hissing and snapping vipers*

Perseus: *to himself, in fear* Medusa!

*Knowing that her gaze would turn him to stone, Perseus turned his head to look into the polished side of his shield, the reflection showing him everything perfectly as he drew closer. With another thought in mind, he carefully began to walk backwards with eyes still upon the reflection shown on his shield. Closer and closer he crept, until he was right behind the Gorgon, with only 5 feet separating him from certain death. He swallowed quietly but kept his shield steady and sword poised as he tried to move to get behind her*

Medusa: So…you've come to kill me, haven't you?

*Perseus nearly jumped in surprise but kept himself poised as he tried to remain quiet, hoping that the Gorgon wasn't addressing him*

Medusa: I know you’re there. Don’t think that I can’t hear you.

*Perseus remained quiet as he tried to move away from her, hoping for his opening*

Medusa: Tell me…was it fortune and glory that brought you to me…or do you seek to give it to the one who sent you? A king, a general? Did he offer you a reward? How much gold did he promise to give you for my head?

*Perseus licked his lips quietly, trying not to break out in a nervous sweat with his eyes gazing to the shield's surface*

Medusa: Such earthly things shouldn't really matter… Especially when you are made of nothing but earth itself. *turns around her serpentine head towards where Perseus was*

*Perseus silently gasped with fright when he finally saw the face of Medusa reflected perfectly on the surface of his shield. The reptilian eyes glowed bright in the faint darkness on his shield though soon the Gorgon's face contorted to a look of confusion. Perseus sighed quietly in relief, thankful of the shield as he moved around*

Medusa: *confused* Strange… I could've sworn I heard someone…

Perseus: You are not mistaken, Medusa… You DID hear someone… And that someone is ME. You just can't see me is all… But I can see you, and they were right… Snakes for hair, reptilian features… You’re just as monstrous and bizarre as they said you were.

Medusa: Was that a compliment now…or an insult? *her eyes cautiously gazing around* I may not see you now… But one way or another…I shall find you.

Perseus: You're welcome to try… *continues to move backwards as he keeps his distance once the gorgon begins to move around*

Medusa: *hisses as she continues to search for her mystery assailant* Hmm… I do not know how you are doing this, but my patience is wearing thin now…

Perseus: You would be surprised if I told you, but then again, I prefer where I am right now.

Medusa: Cute… Very cute. *drags her nails along the side of a pillar, digging through the aged marble*

*Perseus winced to the unpleasant sound produced, but kept his shield arm steady as he continued to keep his distance*

Medusa: You should feel honored, stranger… None have looked upon the face of Medusa and lived… It’s just a shame you won’t live long enough to tell the tale.

Perseus: Oh, I'll be leaving soon enough…just as soon as I am able to collect your head.

Medusa: Heh, such bold words for a boy. And how do you intend to do what many have failed to achieve? How are you the exception?

Perseus: I'm talking to you, aren't I? Have all those men out there who’ve come before me ever talked to you? Considering how quiet they all are, I'm guessing they haven't.

Medusa: *hisses* My patience is now at its limit, boy… This game has gotten old…REAL old.

Perseus: You asked earlier about the reward I would be given upon slaying you… My answer is simply this - freedom for myself…and my family.

Medusa: Freedom…? *utters the word to herself, the sound of it seeming so alien and new to her* So you are a slave then?

Perseus: No…but my mother is. If I do not come back with your head, she'll be forced to marry against her will. But what do you care?

Medusa: Hmm… I was once bound to someone, one I showed great admiration to…before they suddenly betrayed me with no utter reason. But that was another life… One you wouldn't truly understand.

Perseus: Try me.

Medusa: Heh, imagine that you were forced against your will to do something…but when it was all over and done…YOU were blamed, not the one who committed the crime against you!

Perseus: *in shock* Wait! Are you saying that you were once…human?

Medusa: Didn't they tell you? Not all monsters were born as such…

Perseus: No…they didn't tell me that… They also didn't tell me you could turn people to stone. But if I hadn't learned that…I'd probably be just another statue to add to your collection right about now.

Medusa: Then someone you met gave you the right advice… A pity soon that it will not be shared once I find you.

Perseus: Just a minute… If you were once human, that means you must have come to this island to hide away from your troubles…to hide from your fears…

Medusa: *getting angrier* Shut up! You know nothing of what I went through!!

Perseus: By the tone of your voice, I think you're still bitter about it. And I bet deep down…you know I'm right.

Medusa: *hisses viciously* Shut up… Shut up, shut up, shut up, SHUT UP!!!

Perseus: You know, I came here thinking you were this horrible monster that I had to overcome in order to save my mother. But now, after seeing you up close and talking to you…I'm actually beginning to feel sorry for you.

Medusa: *hisses, but slowly begins to sniffle*

Perseus: And because of that, I…I just can't bring myself to kill you. *drops his sword*

Medusa: *whispering, is startled to hear the clang of metal on the ground* W-What?

Perseus: You are not a monster, not in the sense I've always been warned of. You're an innocent victim in all this, and don't deserve to die. I will leave now…maybe with these enchanted weapons, I might have a chance to save my mother and grandfather from the king and escape. Goodbye, Medusa.

Medusa: *pause, a tear streams down her face, yet doesn't turn to stone* Do it…

Perseus: Excuse me?

Medusa: *kneels* You are the one human in all the years I have been trapped here that has ever treated me with kindness. If my sacrifice will mean you can save your family, then my life will not have been in vain. PLEASE, strike me down. Take my head. Save those you love.

Perseus: What…? *looks at his sword* No… I-I can't…

Medusa: You MUST. If sacrificing myself will save others…then maybe I AM still human deep down.

Perseus: I… *swallows* I understand. *takes off his helmet, picks up his sword from off the ground, and walks into the light, still looking at Medusa’s reflection in his shield*

Medusa: And be careful. Stheno and Euryale will no doubt realize I'm dead and come to find me.

Perseus: Who?

Medusa: My…well…I guess you could call them my foster sisters. They've looked out for me since I came here. If they catch you still here after you've taken my head, you will be just another addition to their collection of lawn ornaments.

Perseus: You mean all those statues out there aren't just yours?

Medusa: Hardly. Euryale and Stheno can CONTROL their power. *points to a statue* That fellow over there with the spear? Stheno let him back her into a corner and just when he thought he had her, she did that to him with one dirty look. *points to two horse statues* Those horses? A man tried to run Euryale over in a war chariot. She petrified the horses, he went flying and broke his neck. Once you have my head, heed my advice and RUN as fast as your feet can carry you.

Perseus: Alright, I will. Thank you. Now…prepare yourself.

Medusa: *lowers her head* I have made my peace and am prepared. *separates her snakes to expose the back of her neck*

Perseus: *puts down his shield, walks behind Medusa* Please…may I be forgiven…for what I must do. *holds his blade high*

Medusa: *closes her eyes as another tear slides down her face* Do it!!

Perseus: RAAAAHHHH!!!! *swings the blade with all his might*

*And with one swipe, Perseus' blade made contact with Medusa's neck, the enchanted metal severing muscle and bone as easily as a hot knife into cold butter. Medusa's head fell to the floor and rolled a short distance before it stopped at the feet of one of the statues, the serpents that made up her hair hissing and flailing before they, too, fell silent and still. Perseus could only stand there, staring at Medusa's collapsed body, watching as crimson blood sprayed from her neck and pooled on the cavern floor*

Medusa: *gasping for air* Th-Th-Th-Th-Th-Thank y-y-you… *eyes glaze over as she falls silent*

Perseus: *swings his blade again, sending the blood off it and walks over to the severed head* May you finally know peace. *removing his scarlet cape, he gently lifts Medusa's head and wraps it in the cloth* I promise, Medusa…your final act will MEAN something. *stands and hefts the bundle over his shoulder*

???: *in anguish* NOOOO!!!! MEDUSA!!!!!

??? 2: *in anguish* SISTER!!!!

Perseus: *eyes widen in fright, looks around for the source of the voices* And I’m guessing that would be the sisters… Time to go! *looks around for his helmet* Come on, come on, where is it? Where's the helmet? Oh, don't tell me it's still invisible!!

*Soon the sound of enraged hissing fills the air, alerting to the coming presence of the other Gorgons, the slight sight of the incoming shadows soon apparent to his eyes*

Perseus: Ugh! Forget it! I gotta get out of here! *holds tight to the bundle in hand as he begins a mad dash for the exit, daring not to glance over his shoulder at this point*

Stheno's Voice: *gasps* NOOO!!! Monsters!! They’ve taken her head!!

Eurayle's Voice: *sniffs* I smell her blood…It's coming from this way!!

Stheno‘s Voice: Whoever did this will pay for this act…with their OWN head!

Perseus: Hoo boy! Winged shoes, don't fail me now!!

*But as he said, the wings of his shoes could only flap so lightly, barely lifting him from the ground*

Perseus: Come on, come on! What's the matter with you?! Up! Up!!

*The wings tried to flap forth but at this point, they were exhausted from the long flying they had done to get the isle as it seemed*

Eurayle's Voice: We're getting close! I can smell it still…and the blood of a half-breed!

Stheno's Voice: When we've caught him, he shall lose more than his head at this point! I’ll spill his blood over the four corners of the island!!

*Soon enough, Perseus had reached the edge of the island's shore, the sea around it deep and black with the tides constantly crashing against the island - too treacherous to swim through. Looking back, Perseus could see two monstrous versions resembling alternative takes of the Gorgon he had slain, her wings soon flapping hard to give off the sound of bronze clashing together*

Perseus: Oh crud! *looks to his winged shoes, taps his heels together* Come on, take off already!! I'm about to become snake food here!!

*But as before, the shoes could only lift him so lightly above the soil, furthering his panic*

Perseus: *annoyed* Ugh!! If I ever see Hermes again, we are having a long talk about these shoes!

Eurayle's Voice: There he is, over there, at the edge of the shore!!

Stheno's Voice: Yes, yes!! We've got him now, sister!! *hisses with savage glee*

*Perseus turned to see that the Gorgon sisters were drawing closer and closer, easily imaging their look of murderous intent upon their faces. His heart raced a mile in his chest, it seemed that here would be his end. But unbeknownst to him, small trickles of blood appeared to dripping out from the bottom of the cloth he had wrapped Medusa’s severed head in, making a small red puddle near his feet. Just then, something small began to emerge from the puddle, wriggling about as if it were a bug or a caterpillar or some other type of small animal, covered in dried blood. Suddenly, the blood covered creature began to grow bigger and bigger, now looking more like a mammalian fetus of some kind, with small featherless avian wings on its back. With a flap of its wings, the dried blood began to spill off its form as the small fetus grew and grew until its true form was revealed… A mighty white stallion with soft brown eyes under a 'mask' of black skin and a flowing gray mane along its head and neck. Its wings now had grow to great size to support its body, perfect white wings tipped with gray feathers, which went along with its feathery tail. Despite its full equine appearance, its legs however bore soft gray scales, resembling that of a bird's leg*

Perseus: *eyes widen* WHOA!!!

Stheno & Eurayle: *eyes widen* WHAT THE-?!?!

*The winged horse whinnied and reared upon its hind legs as it gave a flap of its mighty wings. In an instant, Perseus was amazed at its natural beauty and power before a thought came to me. With much strength as he muster, he soon leapt forth and landed upon the winged horse's back, grasping gently onto its mane*

Perseus: I don't know what you are or how you came to be, my friend, but if you desire this to be only the FIRST day of your life and not your last, as well, PLEASE, spread your wings and TAKE OFF!

*The winged horse's eyes would look upon him, suddenly nodding with a snort as its wings began to flap faster*

Perseus: To Serifos! Hyah!! *kicks at its sides*

*At that, the stallion whinnied loudly, soon making a strong gallop towards the edge before its wings gave a mighty flap and soon soared high above the water*

Stheno: NOOOO!!!! MURDERER!!!


*But their cries of protests would go unanswered as the miraculous winged horse zoomed across the skies with Perseus upon its back, gazing back with a victorious smile upon his face as he held onto the head*

Perseus: *in awe* Wow…

Athena: *narrating* The Fates seemed to smile in Perseus' favor as he escaped from the isle of the gorgons, the elder sisters' hisses and cries for vengeance soon fading away into the wind as he flew further from the island. However, the steed he had mounted would lead him forth to a slight detour on the trip home…

???: AAAAHHHH!!!!

*Perseus was alerted to a loud scream, his head jolting up as he looked down to the sea below in search for the cry. That's when he saw her. A young woman with pale brown hair and dressed in royal white robes who was chained by her wrists to a large rock out in the middle of the Mediterranean sea near Joppa in Aethiopia*

Perseus: What in the name of Zeus almighty?

*Out on the open ocean, part of the surface began to froth and churn. A MASSIVE beast, like an enormous snake, it's huge mouth surrounded by countless writhing tentacles. The monster focused it's angry red eyes on the young woman and began to surge forward through the water, opening its jaws to reveal row upon row of sharp, jagged teeth*

Sea Monster: RAAAAWWWWRRRR!!!!

Perseus: *eyes widen in surprise* WHOA!!!!

Young Woman: HELP!!! SOMEBODY, PLEASE!!! HELP ME!!!!

Perseus: *looks to the cloth in his grasp* Hey… Yeah! *to the winged horse* Take us down, I have an idea!!

*The winged horse whinnied and tucked his wings, going into a dizzying dive as Perseus clung on for dear life. The young woman chained to the rock soon heard the horse’s whinnies and looked to see the young man astride the winged stallion drawing a shining blade*

Perseus: Miss, pull your chains taut!

Young Woman: *yanks her arms, pulling the chains straight*

Perseus: HYAH!!! *strikes out with his blade as his new mount passed, slicing the chains in half and freeing the girl*

Sea Monster: RAAAAWWWWRRRR!!!! *doubles its speed, refusing to be denied its prey*

Perseus: *hops off the winged horse, the cloth held tight in his grasp* Quick, shield your eyes!!

*The young woman looked baffled to this but quickly raised her hands over her eyes as Perseus began to undo the bundle he held. Suddenly, the sea serpent was upon them, it's jaws wide enough to swallow Perseus, the young woman, and the winged horse whole with ease while its narrowed eyes fell upon them. But just as it was about to lunge forth to swallow its prey, Perseus pulled Medusa's head from out of the cloth and holding it by the snakes, showed her face towards the sea serpent. Medusa's eyes, even in death, blazed with crimson light. The huge serpent pulled back, screaming in pain as patches of its scales turned to stone*

Perseus: WOW!!!

Young Woman: I-Incredible!

*The serpent roared one final time as Medusa's power finally finished its work, turning the huge monster into a giant statue that promptly began to sink back into the ocean. Afterwards, Perseus then quickly wrapped Medusa' head back into the cloth to be safe*

Perseus: Well…that was fun. *looks to the young woman* Are you okay?

Young Woman: Y-Yes… Thank you… Thank you for saving me.

Perseus: No problem. Anyway, I gotta get going! I'm running late as it is. *whistles for the winged horse*

Andromeda: Wait, can I at least know your name?

Perseus: Oh, sure. It's Perseus.

Young Woman: Perseus… I’m Andromeda.

Perseus: *smiles to her as the winged horse suddenly zoomed in, hopping onto its back* Let's go! *kicks at its sides*

*The horse neighed as it reared up before darting up into the air, leaving behind the fair maiden who smiled sweetly as she watched her mysterious savior disappear into the clouds*

Athena: *narrating* Perseus soared toward his homeland, now confident he could save his family, because now he had a plan.

*Back on the island of Serifos, poor Dictys and Danaë were within the palace of King Polydectes, both clad in chains, though Danaë was adorned in a lovely wedding gown and tiara while her adopted father now looked more like a prisoner*

Dictys: Don't worry, my child. We'll make it through somehow.

*Danaë silently wept as she looked to the chain-clad fisherman amidst the hollering laughter of the guests around them*

Danaë: I'm so sorry…

Dictys: It's alright… It is not your fault…

King Polydectes: *walks up to Danaë* Alright, my dear. Let's get started, shall we?

Danaë: Know this, tyrant king; you might ravage my body, but you will NEVER have ME!

King Polydectes: *not really listening* Uh-huh, yes, that's nice. Now, come on. *grabs Danaë’s arm*

*Soon King Polydectes and Danaë began to walk down the small aisle together, Danaë unwillingly holding the king's hands as she kept her head lowered while Polydectes held a rather smug and victorious look on his face. The two soon made their way before the altar where the high priest stood in waiting, Dictys soon weeping for Danaë as he could only watch*

???: STOP!!!!

King Polydectes: *turns around, confused* What?!

Dictys: *shocked* C-Can it be…?

*Everyone in the palace turned to see none other than Perseus walk into the room, a bundled cloth in his hand and a look of anger and determination on his face*

Danaë: *overwhelmed* Perseus, my baby!

King Polydectes: Impossible… You've returned?

Perseus: Yes, Polydectes… And I have brought you your GIFT! *holds out his bundle*

King Polydectes: *eyes widen in fear* No… No, it…it can't be! You couldn't have done it! THERE'S NO WAY YOU COULD HAVE KILLED MEDUSA!!!

Perseus: Let's just say I had some help…from my family. *unfolds the cloth to reveal Medusa's severed head*

Dictys: Danaë, look away! *covers his eyes*

Danaë: *gasps, covers her eyes*

King Polydectes: *scared out of his wits* No… No, please! Mercy! Mercy, I beg you!!

Perseus: How many of your people have begged YOU for mercy, Polydectes? You sent me away to die, and over the course of my journey, I was forced to take an innocent life! Now, I return your own evil back to you! Look upon the face of this wronged soul…and be STONE!!!

*The king tried to scream aloud in terror as his eyes foolishly fell upon the exposed face of the gorgon, his flesh and skin soon turning to rock and earth within an instant while Medusa's eyes blazed with unnatural life. When the king had turned completely to stone, Perseus, in a fit of rage, ran up to the statue, gave out an angry yell and kicked it right in the chest, knocking it over backwards as it then crumbled to pieces upon making contact with the floor*

Perseus: *uses a hand to close Medusa's eyes, glaring at the assembled nobility* And the same will happen to any of you who attempts to oppress the people of this land again, am I understood?!

*A long silence from the crowd was the only answer he got, each afraid for their lives as they wished not to suffer the fate of the king*

Perseus: Good.

Dictys: *uncovers his eyes, sees what has happened, smiles* HAHA!!! THAT'S my boy!!

Danaë: *smiles as she cries, suddenly embracing her son tightly* My baby!

Perseus: *smiles, embraces his mother* Hi mom. Told you I'd be back.

Danaë: *smiling as she cries onto his shoulder* I knew you would, I just knew!

Dictys: Way to go, Perseus. We never doubted you for a second!

Perseus: Hang on a moment… *lets go of his mother as he approaches Dictys and uses his sword to break the fisherman's chains*

Dictys: *massages his wrists* Ah, that feels much better. Thank you, son.

Perseus: *hugs Dictys* Anytime, grandpa.

Athena: *narrating* And thus was a time for celebration for the reunited family, their bond strengthen more than ever. And much to everyone's surprise on that same day, old Dictys' past was revealed to all as the brother of the former king and so, Perseus was more than happy to bestow the crown to his adopted grandfather. In time, Perseus was able to learn the whole truth about Medusa and soon came the way all towards my sacred city and entered my temple, offering the head of my former priestess as tribute. To say that I was happy would be an understatement for I cried tears of joy, knowing that my poor girl now found peace.


*Blue, Leon, and Andrea stood wide eyed and silent, deeply invested from the contents of the story the goddess had told to them. Leon now looking like his old inquisitive and curious self, hand rubbing his chin in thought*

Athena: And that is the true story of Perseus and Medusa.

Blue: Whoa…

Leon: I see…

Andrea: Wait, so what about the winged horse? Whatever happened to it?

Athena: *smiles a bit, looking to Leon and Blue* Tell me, you two, do you happen to know the name of ONE special winged horse? The one who carries my father's bolts when he calls for them?

Blue: Of course! Pegasus! I know that because he was also the steed of Bellerophon, another famous Greek hero, and from whom Bel here was named after.

Bel: Rawk!!

Leon: Wait… If Pegasus came from the blood of Medusa…does that mean…?

Athena: *nods her head* Yup. Technically this would make him Medusa's son, though he was not born of her womb. Pegasus was the purity still left within her that had been given a physical form once her head had been severed.

Leon: *eyes widen* Whoa…

Andrea: Bizzare…but cool, I guess.

Blue: Hey, wait a minute! What about the prophecy? You know, about Perseus killing Acrisius! Did that ever happen?

Athena: Oh yes, that… That would be many years after once he married Andromeda. In one of his few travels, he became a participant in a set of funeral games in Larissa. In the midst of a discus-tossing contest, he accidentally mis-threw his…and it happened to strike his true grandfather right in the head, killing him from the impact.

Andrea: So the Oracle was right, after all.

Leon: He was killed at the hands of his own grandson, though it was just an accident.

Athena: Indeed. As for Perseus, after he had died many years after founding and ruling over Mycenae, Artemis and I gave him his very own constellation in the heavens, proudly standing with a sword in one hand and Medusa's head in the other. And after that, we even gave constellations to his wife, Andromeda; her mother, Queen Cassiopeia; and, of course, to Pegasus, the magnificent winged horse.

Leon: But what became of Medusa's head when Perseus gave it to you?

Athena: Don't you know?

Leon: I'm afraid not. I may be a devoted follower of yours, but I don't have all the knowledge about you or the other gods.

Athena: Well, her head now rests in a special place… A place I happen to carry on myself… *smiles before revealing forth her shield, the face of Medusa engraved upon the celestial bronze* Behold the Aegis…

Leon: Oh, wow!!

Blue: WAH!!! *covers his eyes*

Athena: *laughs* Don't worry, you won't be turned to stone.

Blue: *uncovers his eyes* You sure?

Athena: Why would I turn one of my chosen ones to stone?

Blue: Good point.

Athena: *looks to Leon* And now do you understand?

*Blue and Andrea looked to their friend who was remained quiet for this time, still a bit worried for him. Though soon Leon gave a light smile and nod, a sigh of relief immediately following from Blue and Andrea*

Leon: I do… I do now that I know… And…I'm sorry for how I acted. *looking to everyone* I truly am sorry.

Blue: Heh, it's all good. I forgive ya, bud. *reaches out an arm to Leon's shoulder and gently punches it*

Andrea: The same goes for me.

Rage: Rowf!!

Bel: Rawk! All's well! *whistles*

Leon: Ow! Hehe, thanks… *rubs his arm and looks to Athena* I especially owe an apology to you, Athena. *gets on his knees and bows*

Athena: *sighs with her eyes closing before she smiles* Rise, my disciple… You are forgiven.

Leon: *looks to Athena, smiles* Thank you, milady. *stands up*

Athena: *smiles to all* I am glad to have shared this with you all, hopefully this will strengthen the trust we all share. But now I must go and you three should rest. You still have a long journey ahead.

Blue: Yeah… Though it wouldn't hurt to spend at least a few more days here. I mean we have been on the road for SOOOOO long that I think I am forgetting what it was like to visit the city.

Andrea: And I won't mind at least using the public baths...I do have my own needs.

Blue: What do you think, Leon?

Leon: Hmm… Heh, a couple days of rest won't hurt. I got my eye to learn more about Perseus after what happened with him and Medusa. But right now… *yawns* I sure could use some sleep. This has been one hectic night.

Blue: *yawns* Yeah… Nothing like a nice bed after resting on the dirt for a while…

Andrea: *yawns* Yeah…

Athena: Then this is where we depart… Enjoy these few days of rest to the fullest. That is my solemn wish… *smiles*

Leon: Thank you, Athena, and…goodnight.

*Athena nodded happily as she began to glow before vanishing in bright light, the group rising up to their feet (and hooves and paws) to stretch, yawning once more as they soon made their way out of the amphitheatre, straight for the inn to get some well-earned sleep. Leon was the last to leave, but before he went through the gate, he paused and looked up to the bright stars above in the evening star. With his careful sight, he found the constellation named after the hero, smiling brightly as he swore that the stars that made it up seemed to be glowing brighter than the other stars. The young man couldn't help but smile before yawning again, quickly leaving after he chased after his friends*

Episode 13 of Mythology. Our heroes soon arrive at the city of Mycenae where the classic myth of Perseus and Medusa is retold when a play reveals a rather dark secret about one of the myth's legendary figures.

Written by me, :icondarkblazeknight: and :iconmalchiorofnol:

© 2015 - 2024 HewyToonmore
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I look forward to a story Perseus become boyfriend of Medusa, instead of killing Medusa, Perseus let her to blind her eyes with a mask as usual but when it comes to danger Medusa could use her power to help Perseus. So Medusa is not only a monster girl but she can be a good partner for Perseus