
Logan Meets The Pagemaster Chapter 2

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Chapter Two

*A mere moments ago, waves of paint had splashed around Richard Tyler. Now, all that appears is this blue space out in front of him. He doesn't move, however, as if still getting over the shock and not sure whether he was alive or if he died. A tapping on his shoulder snaps him back to reality and a voice calls out to him. From the sounds of it, as his hearing cleared, it was a male voice*

Logan's Voice: Kid? Hey kid, are you all right?

Richard: *uncovers his eyes and sees Logan before him* Huh? W-Who are you?

Logan: Take it easy, kid. We're not gonna hurt you.

Isaac: *walks up to Logan* Hey Logan. What was with the light show? *sees Richard* oh! Uh… Hi.

Richard: *gasps and backs away*

Isaac: *raises an eyebrow* What? *puffs a breath over his hand and inhales* Do I offend? You act like you've never seen a Night Elf before.

Logan: I don't think he HAS.

Loki: *growling, translating* See what I put up with EVERY day?

Richard: This can't be real. I mean, this has got to be a dream or something. Yeah, that's it. I bumped my head after slipping on the wet floor and now I'm delusional.

Logan: Sorry, kid, but you're not dreaming. Now can you tell us who you are and where you come from? I mean, you just appeared out of nowhere in a flash of light!

Richard: Richard… Richard Tyler. I came in from the storm… I slipped… And the paint… What about you?

Logan: Well, I'm Logan, and these are my friends… *gestures to the others* Isaac, Loki, Justin, Bonnie, and--

Richard: *raises an eyebrow* Popeye the Sailor?

Popeye: *raises an eyebrow* Huh. *looks side-to-side, points to himself* Did we meets be four?

Richard: Now I KNOW I'm dreaming. You can't be real, you're a cartoon.

Popeye: *inspects himself* Really? I didn't notisk. *eyes Rich* Then again, you looks more tooniers than me!

Richard: *looks at his hands* Huh? Wha…? I'm…I'm a cartoon!

*Suddenly, a figure emerges from the shadows and the crew turns to see him approach. Something about him looked so familiar, as he made a reply to Richard's statement*

Old Man: You…are an illustration.

*Logan and his crew turned to see the old man, the one who uttered the reply. When they see who the man is, appearing in the light, they recognized the man from the picture in the Rotunda: An elderly man with a long gray beard, a blue robe with red lining and wearing a hat. In his hand he carried a long staff that reached over his head and near his hat. Logan recognized him immediately as The Pagemaster*

Logan: Guys... It's him!

Justin: It is...

Richard: Who… Who are you?

The Pagemaster: I am The Pagemaster, keeper of the books and guardian of the written word.

Richard: Oh! you're the guy from up there! *points up at the ceiling*

Justin: It is an honor to meet you, sir. *bows down*

Bonnie: *bows* Likewise.

Logan: *bows* We're sorry if we were intruding, sir. You see, my name is--

The Pagemaster: No need for introductions. I know who you are, Logan, Captain of the Trimaxion. Yen Sid has told me much about you.

Logan: Oh… *sweat drops, stands back up* Kinda figured he would've. *gestures to the others* Anyway, this is my crew. Isaac, Loki, Justin, Popeye, and Bonnie. We were traveling through space when we got sucked through a time hole and got separated from our ship, Max. Would you know where he is?

The Pagemaster: Oh, I'm sure he's around. This Max you seek is not far from where you stand; but then, he's nowhere close to where you are either.

Isaac: *raises an eyebrow* Did any of you get that? Because I sure as heck didn't.

Popeye: Why do wizzards ALWAYS talks in them riddle-thingies?

Justin: *looks up to see that the ceiling painting was gone* Guys, look! The mural! It's gone!

Loki: *growling, translating* What trickery is this?

Logan: *looks up at the ceiling, then back at the Pagemaster* Were of the paintings up there? If so... Does that mean you've been watching us this whole time?

The Pagemaster: Perhaps I was, or perhaps I wasn't. It all depends on one's point-of-view, which in my case would be entirely differently from your perspective.

Richard: But, where are the others?

The Pagemaster: Why they're here of course and all around.

Richard: Maybe you can show me the way out.

The Pagemaster: Follow me. *walks ahead*

Richard: Is that the way?

The Pagemaster: Oh, the only way.

Isaac: But "which" way are we going, anyway?

The Pagemaster: *turns to the sign* Fiction "A" to "Z", where all is possible. *summons a page in his hand* Where a boy's imagination can take root and grow to incredible heights…

*As The Pagemaster spoke, he tossed the page into the air and in a flash a giant pair of legs wearing sandles appeared before their very eyes. While Rich hid behind The Pagemaster, Logan and his crew were intrigued with the spell as they watched the feet move away from them and it's rumbling steps slowly faded*

Logan: Whoa…

*And then, before their very eyes, a viking's ship sailed over them in mid-air. They watch the ship pass by, the grunting of unseen men cries out in the background, the rows peddling the ship onward, as The Pagemaster continues*

The Pagemaster: Where a boy's courage is a wind that moves him to discovery…

Logan: The Argo… That was the Argo!

Justin: Yeah, I read about that ship. It's the one Jason and the Argonauts sailed to retrieve the Golden Fleece… A classic!

Bonnie: But that still doesn't tell us where Max is!

Logan: Easy, Bonnie. It may have taken me weeks to find Max the first time, but trust me…we'll get to him somehow. Besides… It all starts here.

The Pagemaster: And where your journey begins.

*Suddenly, a book-cart wheels towards Richard, Logan, and the crew sweeping them up and speeding away as they ride along it, Rich screaming as The Pagemaster makes his final instructions before fading into dust*

The Pagemaster: To find your way home and to find your friend, you must face three tests: Horror, Adventure, and Fantasy. *louder* And remember this! When in doubt, look to the books!

*Zooming through an entire section, the two book shelves whizzing past them, Logan, his crew, and the terrified Richard could only hang on tightly as the cart sped them away. Where it was taking them, they couldn't tell for everything was going too fast. As they rode, they swore they could hear voices echoing inside the library. The voices uttering well known phrases from notable stories, they could even hear a mention of a "Christmas Past" from "A Christmas Carol"*

Bonnie: How do you stop this thing?!

Logan: I don't know, there aren't any brakes!!

Isaac: *looks ahead* Well you better find them quick because I don't think there are airbags on this contraption!

*Ahead of them, the cart speeds them towards a telephone booth at the end of the hall. Desperately clinging on, shutting their eyes awaiting for their fates to be sealed, the high-speed ride ends with a loud crash! Luckily, neither the crew nor Richard were hurt. With Logan piled over his crew mates and Richard in the telephone booth covered with books. The phone hangs limp making the "busy" sound before a receptionist's voice speaks through*

Receptionist: *on the other line* Due to the storm, all lines have been temporarily disconnected. Please try your call again later.

Isaac: A phone booth? Why would a wizard have a phone booth?!

Loki: *growling, translating, sarcastically* Maybe he's a Time Lord?

Bonnie: That was some crash. Is everyone okay?

Logan: Yeah, I'm all right. Guys?

Popeye: *rubs his head* I had woirse.

Justin: Aside from a small bump on my head, I'm okay.

*Richard Tyler, who was out temporarily, lifts himself up with a groan and adjusts his glasses. He pushes a book off his face and sits up trying to clear himself after what may be considered a near death experience for him*

Richard: *rubs his head* This is not good; definitely not good at all.

Logan: Come on, so we crashed a cart into a phone booth. I'm sure the Pagemaster won't mind. Besides, it's not like things could get any worse, right?

*Suddenly, a sword pierces through a pile of books inches from Rich's neck. The very sight of the razor-sharp blade caused him to scream and shut his eyes. Logan and his crew recovered and prepared themselves for what strange creature may be lurking under the books.

Logan: *eyes widen* Okay, I stand corrected…

???: *emerging from the books* Where's the son of a sea biscuit knocked me from me crow's nest?

*As it pushed itself out from the books, it's appearance was revealed. To the surprise of everyone. It was a book much like all the others in the library except it resembled a stereotypical pirate of sorts. Complete with a red bandana with white spits, an eye-patch over one eye, a mustache, bad teeth, a brown belt with a buckle, and even a peg-leg. This was the book known as Adventure*

Rich: Huh?

Adventure: *shakes off some loose pages* Where's he be? Where's he be? *looks to see Rich and the others* So here be the lubbers who knocked me off me poop deck and with no apologies, too.

Popeye: *annoyed* Hey! I ain'ts no land lubber!

Isaac: *turns to Logan* Did somebody spike our food back in Thamesburg, or are we actually seeing  a talking pirate book with a hook for a hand in front of us right now?

Logan: Unfortunately…we ARE.

Adventure: *jumps onto the crashed cart* You fiction, or nonfiction?

Richard: I'm… Richard. Richard Tyler.

Logan: I'm Logan. *gestures to the others* And these are my friends: Popeye, Justin, Isaac, Loki, and Bonnie.

Adventure: What kind of books would ye be?

Richard: We're not books.

Adventure: *puts his sword to Richard's neck* Got any proof?

Richard: *shows the library card* See? Here's my name!

Adventure: *lifts his eyepatch and gasps* A library card!

Logan: As for the rest of us, we only just arrived here. Kind of got separated from a friend and we're just trying to get back to him. We ran into Richard here along the way.

Adventure: *lowers his eye-patch and puts away his sword* Oh, begging your pardon, lad. I didn't know you and your friends were customers!

Popeye: Customas? We're not...

Justin: *bumps Popeye's shoulder* Of course we are.

Richard: Uh, look, all I wanna do is get outta here.

Adventure: *laughing* Of course you do, matey! We all do. But this is a library, mates. Not everything's as it seems.

*A clap of thunder echoes in the very room. They turn to a flash of light at the end and pages flying towards them. There came that same ominous voice repeating "Look to the books", sending chills down their spines*

Isaac: No kidding.

Logan: So, you think you know the way out of here?

Adventure: I know these waters like the back of me hook! *looks around, lifts his eye-patch* Uh… Uh. *points in one direction* This way.

Logan: You're sure about that?

Justin: What do we have to lose, Logan? He probably knows the library more than we do… If he's right that is.

Adventure: Of course, I'm right! As right as bright, I am!

Richard: *walks ahead* I gotta get home. My parents are probably worried sick about me.

Logan: And we've just got to find our ship so we can continue on our travels.

Adventure: *walks along* Well, I'm afeared I've been dry-docked in this library far longer than I'd like to remember. As I sees it, you with your library card are me ticket out of here! Is it a deal, matey? *belt falls off, quickly lifts it up* Ooh, I'm naked.

Richard: Uh, yeah, I guess so.

Bonnie: Sure, we'd love to have you on board to help us.

Adventure: Ha ha ha ha ha! That's the spirit, lads!

Popeye: Canst we gets goings now?

Adventure: *salutes* Aye aye! *points to a ladder* Let's scale this mast and get our bearings!

Richard: Mast? That's a ladder.

Loki: *growling, translating* What's the difference, kid?

Isaac: He says, "What's wrong?"

Richard: I kind of have this thing about heights.

Logan: No worries, Rich. I'll climb it. You just stay down here. *climbs up the ladder*

Popeye: Hmm… Maybe somewheres in here we couldst finds some clues to the ways outta here.

Adventure: Huh. We'll take care of that. *mutters and searches* Mysterious Island... Yes... Kidnapped... *spots something* Ah, here we be! *grabs the book, opens it* 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.

Popeye: Ooh, I likes that book. Let me see? *looks at the page, mutters* Huh, yes, this is good readin' right here.

Justin: *sees Popeye and Adventure with the book* 20,000 Leagues, huh? Nice choice. Jules Verne is one of my favorite-- *eyes widen in realization* Wait, what chapter are you on?

*Suddenly, the book starts hopping about in front of the two and water spurts right out of the book causing the hall to fill up with salt water. But worst of all, a series of tentacles start to pop out of the page waving about in numbers. This could only mean one thing...*

Richard: It's a giant squid!!

Logan: *looks down* Oh crud! Quick! Everyone up the ladder! Hurry!

*They start to climb the ladder, Isaac carrying Loki over his shoulder using his other arm to mount the steps. Loki could only watch as the tentacles start to latch onto the ladder attempting to reach out to the group. No matter how far they could climb, the creature got closer and closer towards them.

Isaac: *annoyed* You just had to open that book, didn't you, Popeye?!

Popeye: It wasnsk me! *points to Adventure* Twas him!

Isaac: What?! *to Adventure* Are you crazy?! Why did you do that?!

Logan: Where's Captain Nemo when you need him?!

Adventure: *jumps off the ladder, hangs on by his hook* Jump boys! It's jump for your lives!

Logan: Okay, on the count of three. One… Two… Three!

*They leap off the ladder, as the squid pulled the ladder forwards. They jumped so far ahead of Adventure, they ended up hanging onto another book shelf, a long ways from the floor. They held on as best as they could, but there was not much to hold onto and their fingers started to slip. Desperately, when Richard slips, he grabs onto some books, that only get pulled out and falls to the ground screaming and holding two of those books. The others end up falling too as they nearly reach the ground*

Isaac: This is gonna hurt!!

Loki: *growling, translating* I'm too young to die!

Bonnie: Hold on, guys! *closes her eyes* Come on, come on, please work! *activates her anti-gravity projectors, floating in the air, and catches each member at a time* Yes! It's about time I get to use these!

Logan: Phew! Thanks, Bonnie.

Isaac: *sweat drops* Yeah, kinda forgot we gave you those for a second.

Bonnie: Wait, where's Richard? *sees him falling* Whoops!

*Just as Richard was about to hit the ground, he suddenly stops in mid-air and floats over the ground. Confused, they turn to what Richard is holding and are surprised with what they see. The book Richard's holding, the purple one, has matching arms, wings sprouting from it's back, a tiny crown on top, glass slippers, glasses, a white skirt, and what appears to be hair. It shouts a bunch of words, but it's words were muffled because Richard is holding it by it's mouth. And by it, judging from the vocals, the book was a "her"*

Woman Book: *muffled* Let go of my face! I can't breathe!

*Richard finally lets go of the book, plopping to the ground as Bonnie floats down close to the ground and deactivates her anti-gravity features. The rest of the group carefully get down, grateful to be back on solid ground and not with that squid. After the book got a chance to get her breath, she turns angrily to Richard*

Woman Book: What are you doing, grabbing me like that and messing up my pantyhose? Humph.

Bonnie: Richard, are you okay?

Richard: Yeah, I'm fine. *puts his glasses on*

Logan: *gestures to the woman book* I see you've made a new friend.

Justin: Another one?

Woman Book: *straightens herself out* Now I gotta straighten out my "Little Mermaid" underwear.

Isaac: *disgusted* Well... There's an image that's never going to leave my head.

Richard: *turns to the book* Who… Who are you?

Woman Book: *grumpily* I'm Fantasy. Oh! *clears her throat and speaks sweetly* I'm Fantasy! What is this? *sees the library card on the floor, picks it up and reads it*

Richard: It's a library card.

Fantasy: I'm a book, honey. I can read. *clears her throat and gives the card back to Richard* Now tell me, what's the one thing you wish for more than anything in the world?

Richard: Anything in the world? Well… W-We'd like to get out of here.

Logan: You see, ma'am, we're…kinda lost. Richard here needs to get back to his family, and my friends and I need to find our ship so we can leave.

Fantasy: I'll grant your wish, child. But you must do one small kindness in return. *grabs Richard's face and starts shaking him* You gotta check me outta here!

Isaac: Jeez! *backs away, mutters* Adventure wasn't kidding about all these books wanting to get out...

Richard: That's it? *frees himself from Fantasy's grip* Okay, let's go! *walks, then stops* Do I have to click my heels or something?

Fantasy: *laughs* Honey, you're in the wrong story.

Logan: Yeah, I don't see any yellow brick roads around here.

*As the group were talking, Adventure climbs up from over the other book shelf after the near-death experience with the squid*

Adventure: That was a close one, lads. Lads? *sees Fantasy* Hold on there, missis! The lads are with me!

Fantasy: *to Richard* You know that short story?

Richard: Yeah, he's Adventure.

Fantasy: Honey, that's what they all say.

Adventure: I heard that! I'll have you know I'm a classic!

Fantasy: Mm-hm. A classic… Misprint.

Isaac: Ooh… He just got burned! I'm sorry… That was funny.

Adventure: Why, you old sea serpent! I'll rip out your pages and use them for… *slips* Oof! *falls to the ground, screaming* Man overboard!!

Richard: Do something!

Popeye: Don't worries, I'll catch him! *runs around side-to-side position himself to catch Adventure*

*Fantasy thinks it over for a bit, then takes out a thin wand of sorts and blasts a shot of dust towards Adventure. Popeye thinks he's in position and stands there with arms wide and open. BAM! Adventure ends up falling face first behind Popeye and Fantasy's spell apparently didn't work*

Loki: *growling, translating sarcasm* I thought you said you "got" him.

Fantasy: Oops! *laughs* I forgot. My wand doesn't always work outside the fantasy section.

Richard: You mean you can't wish us to the exit?

Logan: Then, I guess we'll just have to get there the "long" way if we must.

Adventure: *groans* That overdue shrew's never even SEEN the exit.

Fantasy: More than you have, shorty! In fact, the exit's just beyond my fantasy section. Humph!

Adventure: *is picked up by Richard and dusted off* Then what are ye doing in these parts? There a witches' convention around here, maybe?

Fantasy: Look, I was mis-shelved. *laughs* But that's over, now that young Prince Charming here has come to check me out.

Popeye: Uh, I do beggin' ur pardons, miss. But I alreadys gots my Cinderellas…

Justin: She means Richard, Popeye.

Popeye: Ooh. *sweat drops* That's different.

Adventure: My good eye, he is. The lad's checking ME out! *pulls Richard's arm as Fantasy pulls the other* Come on, boy, we're wasting time chumming off this dinghy. It's on to the exit for us!

Fantasy: If he thinks the exit's in that direction, you know it's got to be in this one!

Isaac: *slaps his head* Oh, great! It's "Pride and Prejudice" all over again!

Bonnie: Will you two knock it off? You're hurting Richard!

Adventure: Don't listen to her, mate. She's not sailing with a full crew.

*Pulling as hard as she could, Fantasy flaps her wings at great velocity. This causes a wave of fairy dust to hit Adventure's face. Inhaling the dust, Adventure makes a great sneeze that propels him head-over-heels to a nearby book shelf*

Adventure: Fantasy? She's a bloody nightmare.

Logan: Look, you two! Either you behave yourselves, or we're not checking EITHER of you out! Got it?

Justin: Easy, Logan, I got this… *speaks gently* Look, I get that you two have some "artistic" differences with each other. But this isn't about you two right now, it's about us. *motions to Richard* If we want to get this young man back to his parents, *motions to Logan and the others* As well as reuniting with our friend, Max, we're going to have to work "together".

Fantasy: Let's leave him. He doesn't even know where we are now!

Adventure: Bilge water! Of course I know where we are! We're… *sees a book* "Hound of the Baskervilles". *takes the book ans shows it to Richard* Ha! We're in Baskervilles. Have a look-see!

Logan: Hound of… *eyes widen* Rich, NO!!

*But as Rich flips through the pages, a demonic dog bursts out of the book barking madly at him. Screaming, Richard shuts the book and throws it away. The hound pushes itself out of the book forcing the group to run away with a mad dog on their heels*

Isaac: Okay, I'm getting sick of this! From now on, whenever Adventure picks out a book, you slap it out of his hand! Agreed?

Everyone: Agreed!!

Fantasy: *sees an opening* Hey, this way! Through here! *flies through*

Adventure: Nice doggy! Good doggy!

Logan: Quick, everyone pile in!

Richard: Hurry!

*As quick as they could, everyone leaps through the opening one at a time as they could hear the sound of the hound's barking getting closer and closer. Richard and Adventure were the last ones to get through, as Richard had a hard time pushing Adventure into the opening. By then, the Hound rounded a corner, sees the boy, and lunges to bite him, spreading green drool down it's fierce jaws. Just before Richard was to be turned into a dog treat, Adventure pulls him through by his hook and the hound passed the opening. They then block the opening with more books and take deep breaths after that narrow escape*
Logan Meets The Pagemaster
A Crossover Script/FanFiction story
Written by:
Logan "Hewylewis" Ridenbaugh and Bryce "The Wrestlemaniac" Kanyon

A cowardly boy, who buries himself in accident statistics, enters a library to escape a storm only to be transformed into an animated illustration by the Pagemaster. Teaming up with Logan, his crew, and an assembly of colorful characters, he has to work through obstacles from classic books to return to the real world.

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