
Digimon: Heroes Episode 5

Deviation Actions

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Literature Text

Bunny Blunder

*It was another late Sunday afternoon in New York City. While not as dark, the alleys itself appeared less inviting for anyone except for those who made it their home. In particular, a pair of homeless men hung out around a dumpster trying to find whatever food was thrown out. As one sat along the side eating half of a cheeseburger, the other had his legs knee-deep within the nearly-filled dumpster hoping to find any scraps or a half-empty bottle to drink. It was nasty and unsanitary, but it was how they made their living especially on hard times*

*All of a sudden, a series of sparks drew their attention, as the two men turned to see a build-up of light formed deep within the alleys. Suddenly, it glowed brighter and grew into a wide circle, swirling in mid-air for a moment. Then a great explosion of blue light nearly blinded the two men, as a great figure emerged through this portal causing a slight tremor upon impact. The humans slowly lowered their hands trying to see what appeared, yet all they could hear was a great set of footsteps as if a giant figure arrived. And suddenly, they could see it's eyes glow a ruby red sending shivers along the spines of the two men*

Homeless Man 1: *frightened* It's a monster!!

*The other homeless man, lost for words, dropped his burger and ran as fast as he could while the other practically pulled himself out of the dumpster and landed hard on his back. He glanced at the strange being for no more than a few seconds before hightailing out of the alley, following close behind his friend. But the creature did not even attempt to pursue the two men, as if it not intended any harm. It just gazed around the alley, surveying it's surroundings like emerging into a strange alien world. For indeed, this gigantic figure was more curious than intimidating, attempting to understand the purpose of being here among all places. That it arrived looking for something… Or someone*

*At the same time, Joey, Robert's younger brother, had been sitting by himself at the bus stop. He chose to wait for a bus to come so he could make it to Central Park where his brother and his other friends would be gathered to meet. But Robert warned Joey that following the events of the Kuwagamon attack, they had to be cautious when entering Central Park because the news was big enough to draw in a military convoy that arrived there to investigate. So with that said, they had to meet at another part of the Park where they hoped to not run into the military, which was good because it was a big park. As Joey sat in wait, his cell phone rang and he removed his phone from his pants pocket to answer*

Joey: Hello? *pause* Hey Jermaine, 'sup? *sighs* Yes, I'm still waiting for the bus… God this is boring… I just had to pick this time during the busiest hour of traffic. *pause* Yes, I know my brother has this meeting in Central Park about who knows what… I understand traffic is slow; otherwise, you'd be there to pick me up. *pause* I'll be fine, I just wish something interesting would happen…

*All of a sudden, the sound of trash cans knocked on their side drew Joey's attention in the midst of his phone conversation. Whatever it was that caused those sounds seemed to appear from a nearby alleyway just behind Joey, who looked through the dark alley nervously*

Joey: Uh… Jermaine? I'm going to have to call you back. *hangs up*

*As Joey put his cell phone back in his pocket, he suddenly heard a different set of sounds. Like something was stomping through the alley, but certainly nothing that appeared human-sized. For whatever made itself at home in the alley, it was much bigger. A gigantic figure, who's enormous black shape made a dash down the alley*

Joey: *gulps* Me and my big mouth…

*Seeing no choice, Joey cautiously walked into the alleyway. He worked his way to a corner, leaned against a wall, and cautiously peeked out to catch a glimpse of the figure. When he actually saw the mysterious being, the very sight proved to be shocking for Joey. For standing in the midst of the alley, looking from one side to another, was a giant rabbit with it's back turned to him. It had three small horns on its head, long arms with large hands, a large collar with gold lining, along a scarf tied around its neck, red armor plating covering its chest, and pale violet leggings with pointed toes and coat tails. This was Antylamon, and Joey could hear her speaking, as if talking to no one but herself*

Antylamon: *looks around* Of all the locations that Digital Gate had to send me, why did it have to send me here? Some Digimon have all the luck and I'm not one of them.

Joey: *eyes widen, to himself* Whoa, Nelly…

*Stunned at not only the gigantic appearance of this rabbit-like creature, a creature capable of speech, Joey slowly backed away while reaching for his cell-phone. But before he could get far, his shoe knocked over an empty soup can that lied on the floor. The clatter of the can caused Antyalmon's ears to perk up*

Antylamon: Is someone there?

Joey: *eyebrows raised, eyes widen* Oh God…

Antylamon: *turns to face Joey* Oh! Hello there.

Joey: OH GOD!!! *turns and starts running away*

Antylamon: *groans* And again with the running and screaming. *calls to Joey* Hey, wait! Little boy, hold it! *reaches out and grabs Joey* Gotchya!

Joey: *struggling in Antylamon's grip* AAAHHH!!! HELP!!! LET ME GO!!! PLEASE DON'T EAT ME!!!!

Antylamon: I'm not going to hurt you! If you'd just calm down, I can explain.

Joey: *stops struggling, pants for breath* Yeah?! Tell that to the other giant monsters that attacked the city!!

Anytlamon: *pause* You mean other Digimon came here too?

Joey: *nods* Yeah, that's right. First there was Parrotmon, then Ogremon, then just recently, Kuwagamon. Unless you're an ally like Renamon said, you better put me down or I'll call my brother! He'll beat you down like he did to all the others!

Antylamon: I'm not like those vile creatures at all. The last thing I'd do is cause-- Wait. *pause* Did you say Renamon?

Joey: Uh… Yes? How do you know her?

Antylamon: It's a long story, but I'll gladly explain to you if you trust me. I’ll let you know that I am a friend of Renamon's and anyone who's aligned with Renamon is an ally of mine.

Joey: *thinks for a moment, slowly nods* Okay… As long as you know I'm still cautious.

Antylamon: *looks at Joey for a moment* Fair enough. Just DON’T run. *slowly lowers Joey to the ground*

Joey: *looks up at Antylamon* Well, I can believe you're an ally… But who are you?

Antylamon: I am Antylamon, warrior of the Digital World. What's your name?

Joey: Joey… Joey Willis.

Antylamon: Hmm… Tell me, you wouldn't happen to be related to Robert Willis, would you? The one who activated the disc?

Joey: *nods* That's right, he’s my brother.

Antylamon: Thought so. *looks closely at Joey* I never knew humans like you were so…small.

Joey: Well, I've never seen a rabbit as big as you before. So what are you, twenty feet tall?

Antylamon: Twenty-five, actually.

Joey: Right. Now, you said you were a friend of Renamon, but how do you know her?

Antylamon: I've known her for years… Though, it's been a while since I last saw her. When word spread of Renamon entering another world, I went out to search for her, when I happened to stumble upon a portal which transported me to this strange place. But since you are related to the one who unlocked the disc and you know who Renamon is, then that means I am in the right place.

Joey: I'll say you are. If you're looking for Renamon, she's at Central Park with my brother. I was waiting for a bus to take me there, and then I ran into you.

Antylamon: Where is this “Central Park?”

Joey: Right in the middle of the city; however, it's a long way from here.

Antylamon: *ponders the situation* Hmm. Maybe I could help with the travel.

Joey: Hmm… I don't know. You're awfully big, so people are gonna see you.

Antylamon: You'd be surprised how fast I move…

Joey: Okay… If you say so. But if we're going to get to Central Park without drawing a crowd, we have to be sneaky and quick on our feet.

Antylamon: THAT won't be a problem. Lead the way.

Joey: Gotchya. Just let me check for people first.

*Motioning for Antylamon to hold her ground, Joey slowly approached the opening to the alley. Checking for any wandering passerbys, Joey turned his head to the left, then to the right, and repeated the process once until he felt confident there was no one for miles to see them*

Antylamon: Anyone around?

Joey: No worries, the coast is clear. Let‘s go. *runs across the road, signals for Antylamon to follow* Well, come on!

*Seeing that the road looked safe, Antylamon quickly leapt across the road in a single bound, almost hitting an oncoming semi-truck along the way*

Trucker 1: *eyes widen* Whoa!! Did you see that?

Trucker 2: *yawns* No, I was sleeping.

Trucker 1: BUT YOU'RE DRIVING!!!

Joey: *eyes widen* Whoa! Now THAT’S fast!

Antylamon: Told you so. Now, which way do we go from here? And do think quickly, I don’t want anyone else to see me.

Joey: *looks around* Uh-- Hmm… *throws his arms up* I don't know. If neither my mom or friends could take me, I usually get there by bus.

Antylamon: *looks up* Perhaps we could get a better view from above. *lifts Joey on top of her head* Can you see now?

Joey: Whoa! Thanks! *looks around, points west* There, go that way! Run!

Antylamon: Are you sure?

Joey: Yeah, yeah!! Go on! I'm already late!

Antylamon: Alright, you asked for it!

*In a few moments, Antylamon accelerated to a speed quicker than lightning. Joey practically held onto her ears for dear life, as everything from the buildings to street signs even parked cars passed by like one gigantic blur*

Joey: *eyes widen* WHOA!!!

*Meanwhile, over at Central Park, Robert Willis was already at the park with his two friends Mike and Chris. During that time, Robert and Mike were talking to Chris about the incident with Kuwagamon the day before*

Mike: So then, just as that butt ugly insect had me clutched in those pincers, that's when Veemon digivolved into ExVeemon!

Chris: *gives a skeptical look* Just like that?

Mike: Yup!

Robert: We'd go and show you where it happened, but after hearing the military was over there right after we left, we didn't want to chance putting our Digimon or ourselves in any danger. They probably have the area already cleaned up by now.

Chris: *dryly* Pity… *inhales from his cigarette, blows a breath of smoke* Now if only I knew when Cheery McSunshine's gonna digivolve. *motions to Angelomon*

Angelomon: *smiles* I can't wait!

Robert: I've been theorizing that question. I believe our Digimon only digivolve whenever one of us is in trouble. When Parrotmon nearly buried me in tons of rubble with Renamon, that's when she digivolved into Kyubimon.

Chris: *slowly turns to Mike* So if I beat up Mike, would his partner digivolve then?

Mike: *slowly backs away* God, I hope so…

Chris: *mutters* Wimp. *pulls out his digivice* Doesn't this stupid thing tell us if there's Digimon around?

Robert: Since when’re you ever anxious to fight a Digimon?

Chris: I just don't want to look stupid and not expect a random Digimon to just show up from nowhere. *presses a button*

*Just then, Chris' digivice glowed brightly drawing the Goth's attention to his digivice. A radar suddenly appeared on the screen, yet displayed like a flat scale projection of the city. It showed several shapes representing buildings, nearby lakes, and several lines indicating the streets along with intersections. One symbol in particular stood out the most, moving along the radar at a rapid pace*

Chris: Wow… Looks like I got my wish.

Mike: *eyes widen* Dude, is that…a radar? You’re digivice has a radar?!

Robert: Huh… That's new.

Chris: *looks at the symbol* What the heck does this mean?

Robert: Dude, it's a radar. What do you think?

Mike: Man, that could've come in so much handy yesterday with Kuwagamon.

Chris: *observes the radar* Hmm. If I were to assume, there must be a Digimon nearby. *to Angelomon* Angelomon, what does your nose say?

Angelomon: *sniffs the air* Ooh, a big Digimon not too far from here. About… *sniffs the air again* Twenty-five feet tall. I haven't smelled a Digimon this big since… Since… *gasps*

Chris: What? What is it?

Veemon: Is it bad?

Angelomon: Nope! Quite the opposite. There's only one Digimon I know with a scent this large, an old friend from back home.

Robert: You can tell its size just by sniffing the air?

Angelomon: If it's who I think it is, I can smell that Digimon over a mile away.

Robert: Renamon, I need you!!

*In a flash, Renamon instantly appeared right next to Robert*

Renamon: You called?

Robert: Yeah, a Digimon’s comin’ our way! Angelomon seems to know who it is.

Renamon: Well then, if I reach higher ground, I should be able to spot it…

Chris: Don‘t bother. According to my radar, it'll be here within seconds.

???: WAHOO!!!!

Mike: Wait… *raises an eyebrow* Was that…Joey's voice?

*In that moment, they turned to the source of the cry and there they saw it: Joey Willis, riding atop Antylamon, the gigantic Digimon running at great speed towards the surprised team*

Angelomon: *wide-eyed* It's her! She's coming!

Mike: Oh, something's coming all right… Right at us!!

Joey: There they are! *points to the others* STOP!!!!

Chris: HOLY CRAP!!! WATCH OUT!!! *ducks down*

*Antylamon attempted to skid to a halt, her massive feet causing a cloud of dust to form and spray towards the kids. Eventually, Antylamon stopped in front of the group, most of them covered in dust*

Antylamon: *blushes* Sorry about that…

Joey: *waves* Hi guys!!

Robert: *wipes dirt off his eyes* Joey?! How did-- Where-- What…?

Mike: Damn! That is one BIG rabbit…

Joey: *looks to Renamon* Hey Renamon! Antylamon here's been looking for you.

Renamon: *approaches Antylamon* Antylamon… Good to see you, old friend.

Antylamon: It's good to see you too, Renamon. I was wondering if I'd ever find you.

Chris: *points his Digivice, scans Antylamon* Antylamon. An Ultimate level, Data type, Exalted Beast Digimon. Attacks are Bunny Blades and Asipatravana… Whatever that is.

Mike: So it's safe to say this rabbit's a friend, right?

Renamon: Of course. Practically grew up side-by-side back in our home world.

Robert: *looks up to Antylamon* She's… Tall.

Antylamon: I am an Ultimate level Digimon.

Chris: Is there a difference?

Renamon: Of course. The digivolution line goes from Baby, to In-Training, then to Rookie, Champion, and Ultimate. There's a further level, but not many Digimon know of it.

Mike: *pause* I just hope we don't get tested on this.

Renamon: That won't be necessary. *to the others* Now, if you'll excuse me, I wish to speak with Antylamon alone. We have much to catch up on.

Antylamon: *takes Joey in her hand and places him on the ground* Hope you enjoyed the ride.

Joey: Enjoyed it? That was the best ride in my life! Thanks!

Antylamon: No problem.

*Moments after dropping Joey, Antylamon lowered her hand to Renamon, who casually stepped onto her palm and stood still as Antylamon lifted her hand to the air. She took giant steps further away from the others, so they could have their hushed discussion. Robert and his friends, their partners included, stood where they were curious as to what was so important that they couldn't be involved in the conversation*

Robert: Not that I don't mind Renamon being reunited with an old friend, I wish I knew what they were saying.

Angelomon: *ears perked* I know what.

Chris: Great. What is it?

Angelomon: Sorry. Not allowed to tell.

Chris: *sighs* Figures…

Mike: *to Veemon* Do YOU know what they're talking about?

Veemon: Yup-- But I'm not allowed to tell, either. None of us are.

Robert: Well, whatever they're saying, it must be important.

Veemon: Oh, it's important. *thinking* More than he thinks.

Chris: Well, they better hurry up, we've got important things to go over.

*Just then, the quiet serenity of the park was greatly disturbed by a rumbling sound. It started low at first, but grew just as quickly. The noise itself startled the group, along with their Digimon, nearly knocking them off balance and causing their heads to turn side-to-side as if expecting danger. But the rumbling doesn't last no more than a few seconds until it ceased and left the group bewildered*

Chris: *pause* What the hell?

Antylamon: *calls out* Sorry! That was me!

Robert: *turns to Antylamon* You?

Antylamon: Well… My stomach, really. *her stomach gurgles again* I…guess I’m a little hungry. *sweat drops* Heh, heh…

Robert: *sweat drops* Well… That explains a lot. *looks at his wrist watch* No wonder. It's getting close to dinner.

Chris: Huh? *looks at his watch, eyes widen* AAAAHHHH!!!! I FORGOT ABOUT WORK!!!!

Mike: *pause* You have a job?

Chris: *looks to the others* Look, can you guys look after Angelomon ‘til I get off?

Joey: We wouldn't mind looking out for him. But do you expect us to wait out in the park all night?

Chris: Hmm, good point… On second thought, come to my workplace. They give you tons of cheap food.

Robert: *turns to Renamon* Coming, Renamon?

Renamon: Um, Robert, in case you hadn‘t noticed… *gestures her whole body* I don't exactly blend in to a crowd.

Robert: We could always say you're an active member of the Anime club. But I'm not sure if that plan would work twice.

Chris: No sweat. There's a cosplay convention today over at the Javits Center. That way, no one will suspect your true identity.

Mike: Well, that's…convenient.

Renamon: Yet it just might work. *turns to Antylamon* But what about Antylamon? We can't take her with us…

Joey: Maybe she could stay here in the park? I'm sure it's big enough for her to hide.

Mike: But what if the military decides to investigate the park? No matter how big the park is, the moment they see a giant bunny in Central Park, God only knows what they'll do! Don't even get me started on "The Iron Giant".

Robert: Hmm… He DOES have a good point.

Antylamon: I'll have you know I'm no ordinary rabbit and you'd be surprised how well I blend even in the smallest of woods. I'd like to see them "try".

Renamon: *turns to Antylamon* Are you sure you'll be alright?

Antylamon: I'm not a Rookie anymore, Renamon. I'll be fine. See you afterwards?

Renamon: *jumps down from Antylamon's hand* I hope so.

Joey: Don't worry, Antylamon, I can leave early and bring you back something if you want. What do you eat?

Antylamon: Do you have any Gigaberries?

Joey: *raises an eyebrow* Giga…berries?

Antylamon: I guess that's a "no"… Not surprised, really. They're bigger than any other fruit.

Chris: *raises his eyebrows* Would you settle for blueberry pancakes?

Antylamon: That sounds good, thanks. Just one thing.

Chris: Shoot.

Antylamon: What are “pancakes”?

Chris: *shrugs* I don't know. Some pan fried piece of flat pastry with syrup. It's only the best thing on the menu and the most affordable. *looks at his watch again* Seriously, we need to go! Knowing my boss, he'll deduct my pay for being late… Again. *runs off*

Joey: We'll be back in a few hours, okay, Antylamon?

Antylamon: Alright…

Robert: Hey Chris, wait up! *follows Chris out of the park*

Renamon: *to Antylamon* See you in a bit, old friend. *teleports into thin air*

*While the rest of the group moved on ahead, Mike, Veemon and Joey followed suit the park fading behind them. Antylamon found herself all alone in Central Park. Sure she made it clear that she could keep herself hidden from any passing convoys, but there were times she loathed being the tallest Digimon. No more than a few seconds pass and already she was bored*

Antylamon: *sighs* This could take a while…

*A while later, the group and their Digimon had just at Chris' work place known to the locals simply as "Reggie's". Although not as popular as the fancy chain restaurants in New York, Reggie's has been known for serving the best Pancakes whether be during breakfast or even later, of which made it stand out from most local diners. While the group took their seats, Chris emerged from the kitchen in his work uniform making his way towards the others, who sat along several stools at the front counter. But of course, Chris' uniform couldn't be more simple: A plain black t-shirt with matching trousers, along with a plain white apron and tag with his name on it*

Chris: *takes out notepad and pen* Alright, what'll ya have?

Robert: *peeks at the menu* I'll have the big stack. *turns to Renamon, back to Chris* Make that two.

Chris: Got it. *writes down two big stacks on his notepad* Want anything extra?

Mike: *looks at a menu* A milkshake would be cool.

Veemon: Make that two!!

Joey: Three!

Chris: *writes down three shakes* Any particular flavors?

Joey: Vanilla.

Veemon: Chocolate!!

Mike: Same.

Chris: *jots down 'nilla and chocX2 on his notepad* Okay, be back with your orders.

*Once Chris got the orders, he made his way into the kitchen to hand the chef the note-slip with the orders. The group waited no longer than a few minutes when Chris eventually returned with milkshakes*

Chris: Here you are. *puts the milkshakes down on the counter*

Mike: Thanks.

Chris: Sit back and enjoy, the stacks will be ready shortly. *hears a clatter of dishes in the kitchen* Maybe a little longer. *returns to the kitchen*

Joey: Hey, you guys think pancakes would be too small for Antylamon?

Robert: Not unless you decided to order one of everything from the entire menu.

*Just then, Kevin and BlackAgumon walked into the café, quickly noticing the others and their Digimon*

Kevin: 'Sup, guys?

Mike: *turns to see Kevin* Oh, hey Kevin.

Joey: Care to join us?

BlackAgumon: Sure! I love pancakes!!

Kevin: Shh! Remember, dude, you're a stuffed toy, ‘kay?

*Just as Kevin and BlackAgumon took their seats, Chris emerged from the kitchen balancing two plates of pancakes with each dish carried by one hand. Once he got to their table, he carefully placed the two dishes in front of Robert and Renamon*

Chris: Here you go, enjoy. *a crash of plates draws Chris to another table* Excuse me. *walks toward that table* HEY! I thought I told you to stop doing that--

Robert: Oh boy! *begins to eat his pancakes*

Kevin: Ooh, pancakes for dinner! Good thing mom doesn't know we're here; she's so health-conscious.

Robert: *looks to Renamon* Go on, Renamon, eat up.

Renamon: I will. *stares at the pancakes* So these are pancakes? Such curious delicacies.

Joey: You think pancakes are weird, wait'll you try the pigs in a blanket.

Renamon: *raises an eyebrow* Pigs in…

Robert: That's just another way to describe a sausage link wrapped in a pancake, don't worry. Now go on, try them!

Renamon: *hesitantly* Well, if you insist… *takes a bite of one of the pancakes* Oh my… *takes another bite* This is delicious! We've never had food like this back home.

Robert: I knew you'd like ‘em!

Kevin: Big deal! BlackAgumon started eating pancakes days ago.

BlackAgumon: *sniffs the air* Ooh, I can smell them now! The rich chocolaty texture, the sweet scent of blueberries and strawberries, even roasted pecans… I can't wait!

Kevin: Calm down, buddy. We'll fill ya right up.

Mike: And we know a guy! *shouts* Hey, Emo!

Chris: *shouts* I'm a GOTH! Must I add that to my work tag now?! *walks over to the table* Now, what is it?

Mike: BlackAgumon wants pancakes.

Chris: *looks at BlackAgumon, his eyebrows rise* You want THAT to be fed?

Kevin: He insists.

BlackAgumon: Please?

Chris: *sighs* Why not?

*Seeing no reason to argue, Chris added yet another pancake stack order along his notepad. As he went into the kitchen, Kevin turned to talk with his friends*

BlackAgumon: Hey, where are Jermaine, Eva and their Digimon? Weren’t we all supposed to meet up today?

Joey: I called Jermaine a while ago. He had to stay home and help his grandmother with several chores.

Kevin: And Eva?

Robert: Eva's trying to gain enough community service hours for graduation. So she's going to be busy for tonight.

Kevin: Well, so much for our first “club” meeting.

Joey: Speaking of which… I met someone today.

Kevin: Oh? Who?

Joey: Well… To tell you the truth, I met a Digimon.

Kevin: Why am I not surprised?

BlackAgumon: Was it a Virus type? Or just a big wild one?

Joey: Neither. She’s a friend of Renamon’s.

Robert: She’s definitely a "friendly" Digimon. *to Renamon* Though I can't shake the feeling that there's more to your friendship with Antylamon than you're letting on.

BlackAgumon: *eyes widen* Anty-- Antylamon?! Here?!

Kevin: *to BlackAgumon* I take it you're a friend of hers as well?

BlackAgumon: No… Though I heard stories.

Mike: What kind of stories? We tried asking our own partners, but they refuse to talk about it.

BlackAgumon: Oh! Well then… Maybe I shouldn't either.

Mike: *throws his arms in the air* Just when we were going to have an interesting table talk!

Chris: *comes back with more pancakes* Here's your order. *puts the plate down in front of BlackAgumon* Enjoy.

BlackAgumon: *rubs his claws* Oh boy! Chow time! *scarfs down the whole stack*

Veemon: Whoa! That was awesome!

BlackAgumon: *sighs* Ah, that was good. You think Chris would mind if we order another stack?

Mike: Probably not.

Kevin: So, where is she now?

Joey: She's hiding out in Central Park. *suddenly realizes, checks his watch* Crud! I promised to bring her something to eat afterward. I hope she’s still there.

Kevin: Didn’t you hear that the military was just there yesterday?

Renamon: It's unwise to underestimate a Digimon's capabilities, even one who's twenty-five feet tall. Just as I have an ability to appear-and-disappear at any time, Antylamon knows when to stay hidden and emerge when it's safe.

Kevin: *pause* I'll just take your word on it.

Joey: *looks out the window* I just hope no one DOES find her… Sure we only just met, but if anything happens--

Robert: She'll be alright, Joey. I'm sure she will.

*Meanwhile, back in Central Park, Antylamon sat under one of the tallest trees in the whole park. While she enjoyed the small bit of peace and quiet, something seemed to trouble the gentle giantess. A sense of loneliness, one of which she hardly ever felt in her life and a great desire that she couldn’t shake off her mind*

Antylamon: Hmm? That's strange… All of a sudden I feel so…lonely. But why do I feel this way? It's like all I can think about is that kid, Joey… *pause* Joey… Maybe I should go look for him. *shakes her head* What am I saying? I can't just go out as long as the military are out there. And for what? Some child I only met for a few seconds? *sighs* And yet, he's different… So much that I "want" to see him. Hmm… I can easily run so fast that no one can see me… I must see Joey again.

*Having made up her mind, Antylamon stood up and walked towards the road outside Central Park. She cautiously looked both ways for any military convoys or any oncoming vehicles. When not a single car was in sight, Antylamon took a deep breath… And ran so fast across the road, she moved like a blur. Hardly any trails can be seen, even as she leaps onto one side of a building, crawling like a gecko, before taking shelter through the dark alleyways in-between the buildings. Little did she realize, her speed drew the attention of a soldier in an armored car parked in a secluded area near the park. It was enough to stir the soldier awake and though he didn't catch a good glimpse of Antylamon, he knew he couldn't let the target disappear. And so, he proceeded to radio for backup*

Soldier: General Stanford, come in! This is Unit 4A. Do you read me? Over.

General Stanford: *over the radio* This is Stanford. What’s your status, 4A?

Soldier: Sir, those giant monsters we were sent to search-and-destroy? I've sighted one leaving Central Park; at least, I think I did. Over.

General Stanford: *on the radio* Could you repeat that? You said you either "saw" the monster or “didn't”. Which is it? Over.

Soldier: It moved too quickly for a visual, sir. But the readings I'm able to track are pin-pointing directly into the city! Over.

General Stanford: *on the radio* Head back to base. We'll use what we got to strategize for a strike against the monster. And "if" you actually obtain a visual, report to me at once! Out.

Soldier: Roger that. Over and out!

*Meanwhile, as the soldier revved up the engines and proceeded back to base, Antylamon had quickly leapt from atop one building to another in search for Joey. Keeping as closely hidden to the shadows, she could only hope that she was quick enough to keep out of sight from any other humans. As she continued her search through the city, so many thoughts clouded her mind*

Antylamon: Why am I doing this? Risking my life just to find a single human? We only met a few hours ago, anyway. So why does it feel like… Like I've known him all my life? Could it be? Could HE be the one I've sought for all this time? Could HE--

*Suddenly, in mid-air, Antylamon was so distracted that her attempt to leap for one side of a building failed to latch a good grip. All at once, she felt the gravity pull her down, rapidly approaching the streets below and suffered a hard fall. A fall which destroyed two vehicles, empty ones, in the process. But still, it was enough to draw a crowd towards the settling dust and to look with a shocked expression towards the near-thirty foot creature getting back on it's feet*

Antylamon: Ugh… My back! *sits up, rubbing her back* That was stupid… *notices all the people staring at her* Uh-oh…

*All at once, the awkward silence broke out with screams from the bystanders and the patter of running feet. Nearby civilians tried desperately to run away from Antylamon, those in cars immediately dashed out without glancing at the Digimon. Antylamon could only stand and watch all this happening beneath her and whether she knew it or not, the trouble had only just begun*

*Back at 'Reggie's', Chris was in the kitchen struggling to remove the sticky syrup stains off several dishes at a furious pace. He turned to make sure neither his boss or other higher superiors were looking, before he pulled his cell phone out of his pocket to check up on the web browsers news section. One article caused the Goth's eyes to widen, bursting out of the kitchen toward Robert's table to share the news*

Robert: *sees Chris* Chris, what’s the matter?

Chris: Guys, I just checked up on the web browsers! This article only broke a couple minutes ago and already there's talk about a monster sighting in the city near Central Park!

Renamon & Joey: *eyes widen* Antylamon!!

Robert: If this gets out to the military and they attempt to track her down-- *pause* We've got to get to Central Park right away!

Kevin: Hold it, Rob! This is the military, which also involves the government! The moment they see us with a giant monster, including our Digimon, they'll arrest us... Or worse! They could SHOOT us on sight before we can explain! *crosses his arms* At least, that's what usually happens in movies.

Joey: But we can't let them hurt Antylamon!

Renamon: I doubt they can. So far, we Digimon are immune to bullets and other forms of manmade arsenal. But if they manage to capture Antylamon, who's to say they won't use her to discover a method to take down Digimon?

Robert: If we're going to save Antylamon, we have to be smart. Obviously we can't be seen as the kids who interfered on military business so we'll have to be as discreet as possible.

Veemon: Right!

BlackAgumon: Gotchya!

Renamon: I could digivolve into Kyubimon…and you could hide in my mane.

Robert: That "could" work. *turns to Joey* Meanwhile, little bro, you're going to have to-- Joey?

*Only then did they realize that Joey was not at his seat. A bell rang causing everyone to turn to the diner doors where briefly they saw Joey running out of Reggie's towards Central Park*

Robert: Joey!

Kevin: And cue the idiot little brother who follows his heart instead of his head.

Renamon: *ponders* Hmm. We must follow Joey at once.

Robert: Damn straight we do! Come on!

Kevin: Right behind ya.

Mike: Us too!

*As Robert, Kevin, Mike, and their Digimon allies burst out from the cafe, attempting to keep up with Joey, Angelomon turned to Chris, who was just about to head back to the kitchen*

Angelomon: Aren't we gonna help them, Chris?

Chris: Can't leave them alone without backup. Let's go! *takes off his apron and runs out of the cafe with Angelomon*

*Meanwhile, Antylamon stood her ground in the midst of the streets. Civilians fled from her presence in terror and some sped past the speed limit to steer clear from the multi-foot creature. Not wanting to risk causing further damage to the city, Antylamon tried reasoning with the humans but with no success*

Antyalmon: People, please, there's no cause for alarm! I'm sorry for the damage I've caused, it was an accident! I'm not going to hurt you, I swear!

*Unbeknownst to Antylamon, a massive array of tanks, heavily-armed soldiers on jeeps, and trucks with Dragon M-50 machine guns with explosive ammo mounted on top, cautiously approached behind the unsuspecting Digimon. Inside one of the trucks was General Gregory Stanford himself, leading the New York regiment against the seemingly opposing threat. Garbed in his military uniform, helmet and all, Stanford passed by numerous surveillance monitors in the truck, all of which locked onto Antylamon*

General Stanford: *sighs* First giant monster we encounter… And it's a rabbit.

Soldier 1: You sound disappointed, sir.

General Stanford: I expected something more challenging; god forbid, even those Kaiju beasts would do fine. Still, a monster's a monster… Even if it is a rabbit.

Soldier 1: Orders, sir?

General Stanford: Send the troops to gun it down. If the rifles and Dragons aren't strong enough, set the tanks for firing position.

Soldier 1: Yes, sir. Right away. *takes out a walkie-talkie and talks into it* Attention all units, all troops advance slowly towards the creature and await the general's command for when to attack. Over.

*On command, dozens of armed soldiers cautiously approached Antylamon, the Digimon busily attempting to calm the panicking civilians yet found it difficult to do so. Though the soldiers approached at a steadfast pace, their movements caused Antylamon's ears to twitch. All at once, she faced the soldiers getting into position, all aiming their rifles toward her. She was unsure of what events will follow but somehow knew a single inch of movement could cause a further panic that she cannot afford*

Antylamon: *eyes widen* Uh-oh… That's not good.

Soldier 1: Sir, it’s seen us!

General Stanford: Don't give it a chance! Fire at will!

Soldier 1: *using his walkie-talkie* All units, fire at will!

Sergeant: *shouts* Fire!!

*The solders fired their assault rifles and machine guns toward Antylamon, the Digimon using her massive arms for defense against the barrage of bullets. Luckily, the bullets had no effect on Antylamon for not a single shot could penetrate against her structure. Though the soldiers shot her point blank, they realized their efforts weren't enough and some stopped to watch the bullets fall to the ground, all of them crushed beyond recognition*

Soldier 1: Sir, it’s no use! Bullets just bounce off it like jellybeans!

General Stanford: *ponders* Hmm. Looks like I'm getting that challenge after all. *out loud* Ready the tanks and fire on my command! On the double!!

Soldier 1: Yes, sir. *using his walkie-talkie* All units, move the tanks to position and prepare to fire on the General's command!

*On command, the tanks steadily moved forward, stopping a mere few feet away from Antylamon. As the tanks aimed to fire, Antylamon stood in fear knowing that whatever was bound to happen would not be pleasant*

Antylamon: *annoyed* Oh, come on!

General Stanford: *grabs the walkie-talkie from the soldier and yells into it* Open fire!!

*On cue, the military fired every weapon at their disposal against Antylamon. Having sensed the approaching fire, she nimbly bounded away with a single leap towards the side of a building. As she hung on by the rooftop, she watched the oncoming attacks hit nothing but either open air or the empty streets, blowing up a few abandoned vehicles as well*

Antylamon: *to herself* That was close!

General Stanford: *using the walkie-talkie* Do NOT lose that rabbit! Keep firing!!

*The military kept firing with everything they had, while Antylamon dodged for her life. Running across the side of one building to the next, several more tank shells exploded behind her, a shower of glass shards falling to the streets, concrete blowing up into pieces, and steel flying in mid-air. With Antylamon's speed, not a single attack could bring her down. Unfortunately, one shell exploded closely in front of Antylamon, she could feel herself flying off the side of the building and crashing hard against the pavement*

Antylamon: *in pain* Ugh!! Should've seen that one coming!

Soldier 1: Direct hit, sir! It's down on the ground!

General Stanford: But not out. Keep pressing on the attack!

*Taking advantage of the situation, the soldiers fired a barrage of machine gun ammo toward Antylamon, who luckily recovered quickly to grab a nearby steel girder from the explosion. Like a shield, it protected her against the oncoming rounds. But Antylamon knew she couldn't stick around forever and these soldiers were not going to quit*

Antylamon: *to herself* Damn it, they just won't leave me alone! *calls out to the military* Hold your fire! I'm not here to harm any of you! I come in peace!

Sergeant: *gasps, talks into walkie-talkie* Sir… The monster spoke!!

General Stanford: *pause, raises an eyebrow* What?

Soldier 2: *talks into walkie-talkie* It can talk, sir! It says it comes in peace. Orders, sir?

General Stanford: Well don't bother responding to it! I won’t be fooled by anyone or anything, especially a talking rabbit. Keep firing!

Joey's Voice: Antylamon!!

*Just then, Antylamon turned in surprise to see Joey approaching towards Antylamon's defense. This alone also attracted the attention of the sergeant*

Antylamon: Joey?

Sergeant: *turns and yells to the other soldiers* HOLD YOUR FIRE!!! I REPEAT, HOLD YOUR FIRE!!!

Joey: *approaches Antylamon* What are you doing out here? You were supposed to stay in the park!

Antylamon: Joey… Get out of here, now!

Joey: No way! I just ran a whole bunch of blocks to find you-- *turns to the armed soldiers* Oh, I did not think this through.

Sergeant: *using his walkie-talkie* Sir, a civilian’s standing in firing range near the monster. A young boy.

General Stanford: *on the other line* Get him out of there! We can't afford casualties.

Sergeant: *using his walkie-talkie* Yes, sir. *shouts at another frequency* Send some ground troops to remove the kid! Then continue to fire at the giant rabbit! Over.

Joey: *nudges Antylamon* Come on, you've got to get up!

Antylamon: Don't worry about me, Joey. Save yourself, before they hurt you.

Joey: No! I won’t leave you!

*Just then, a soldier ran up behind Joey, grabbing him by his shoulders. The soldier struggled to drag Joey from Antylamon, the boy desperately reaching out towards her*

Joey: *struggling in the soldier's grip* Hey!! Let me go!! Antylamon!!

Soldier 3: Come on, kid! You gotta get the hell out of here!


*Just then, the soldier released his grip on Joey as a great force leapt on top of him as his eyes stared straight at a giant fox-like creature, Kyubimon. The Digimon glared towards the stunned soldier, her fangs exposed in case he attempted to make sudden moves. Though barely seen, Robert rode on top of his partner with his face hidden within her long ruffled mane on her neck. The others, who followed close behind, anxiously waited at a nearby hiding spot*

Joey: Kyubimon! *sees Robert* Rob--

Robert: Shh!

Soldier 3: Urg… *tries to reach for his gun*

Kyubimon: *places a paw on the soldier's chest, pressing down tightly* I wouldn't do that if I were you.

Sergeant: *using his walkie-talkie* Sir, another of those strange creatures appeared and pinned down one of our men! *examines closely* It matches the description of the giant fox that appeared in the city with that giant parrot!

General Stanford: *through the walkie-talkie* Then what are you waiting for, Sergeant? Shoot it now!!

Sergeant: *using his walkie-talkie* That's a negative, sir! We attempt to shoot and we risk harming one of our own men! Over.

General Stanford: *through the walkie-talkie* I don't care what you have to do. Get that soldier and that kid out of there and incarcerate those monsters! Over.

Sergeant: *using his walkie-talkie* Roger that. Over and out.

*Meanwhile, Robert's friends and their partners kept watch from their hiding ground in the midst of all the activity*

BlackAgumon: You think this may be a little… Extreme?

Kevin: I'm just hoping Kyubimon doesn't overdo it with the intimidation.

Mike: *glares at the scene* Those scumbags! They always think the best solution in a global crisis is to shoot first and ask questions later.

Chris: That's our military for you; they shoot anything that’s threatening.

Kevin: I blame the Republicans.

Veemon: So when do we help out?

Mike: Unless Robert finds a way to mess this up, he's got this under control.

*They turned their attention back to the military, the soldiers having surrounded the two Digimon that stood before them. Even doing so, they did so not without caution for they knew one of their soldiers was in a tight spot and they could not afford a civilian getting hurt as well. Yet they were hardly prepared for what came in store*

Kyubimon: *to the soldiers* Put down your weapons and your comrade goes free.

Antylamon: Best do what she says. You wouldn't like to see her when she’s cross.

Soldier 3: *gets one arm free* Arg! *reaches for his pistol, pulls it out, puts the barrel to Kyubimon's face and fires*

Kyubimon: Aargh!! *steps back*

Robert, Joey & Antylamon: *in shock* Kyubimon!!

Sergeant: Now! Fire, fire, fire!!

Antylamon: NOOO!!!!

*Quickly, Antylamon crashed her hands in front of Joey as the soldiers opened fire upon the Digimon. Robert barely ducked as bullets whizzed over him, while Kyubimon was recovering from the blast more in shock than in pain. The others watched nervously knowing that chaos erupted just as everything seemed to go accordingly*

Mike: *sweat drops* So much for the easy way!

Chris: NOW we help out! Come on, Ange! *runs out to help the others*

Angelomon: Right behind ya! *follows Chris*

Mike: Okay, Veemon… *pulls out his digivice* It's ass kicking time!

Veemon: Yeah!! *digivolves* Veemon digivolve to…ExVeemon!!

BlackAgumon: Charge!! *runs out to help the others*

*The cries of the Digimon and the bright light of Veemon's digivolution caused the soldiers to cease fire, turning their attention towards the group emerging from hiding. In place of Veemon, ExVeemon took to the air and propelled with his wings at great speed, sweeping over several soldiers and knocked them flat. The Sergeant took cover behind a jeep, desperately calling out to General Stanford*

Soldier 4: *using his walkie-talkie* Sir! We've got a problem! There are four other creatures accompanied by a bunch of kids! Over.

General Stanford: *using his walkie-talkie* Could you repeat that? Over.

Sergeant: *using his walkie-talkie* Sir, I repeat: Three other monsters, two small and a really big one, just showed up and accompanied by a trio of teenagers, sir! Over.

Soldier 1: Teenagers?

General Stanford: *slams his walkie-talkie down* Damn it! Has this whole city gone mad?!

Sergeant: *through the walkie-talkie* Orders, sir? We're getting trashed out here! Over!

General Stanford: *picks up the walkie-talkie* Contain them all, especially the kids! I want them taken in for questioning! That's an order! Over!

Sergeant: *using his walkie-talkie* Roger that, sir! Over and out!


*The Sergeant turned too late to see Mike charging towards him. The teen tackled him to the ground causing his walkie-talkie to fly out of his hands and his gun slid along the ground from his holster. Mike held him down as the Sergeant struggled*

Mike: *holds him down* How's this for an order? Stay down!

Sergeant: *struggling in Mike's grip* Urg!! Get off me, kid!! We're trying to help!

Robert: Looks like there’s no point in hiding anymore, is there?

*Making his move, Robert jumped off from Kyubimon's back and crashed into a distracted soldier. The soldier held up his arms as Robert punched the daylights out of him*

Robert: *punches the soldier* Keep your hands off my brother!!

Kevin: Okay, BlackAgumon, it's our first battle! Show me what you got!

BlackAgumon: Here goes nothing! Pepper Breath!

*In an instant, BlackAgumon spat out a green flame breath from his mouth, its fiery blast exploding over several soldiers. While not powerful enough to hurt them, its force sent them hurtling to the streets*

BlackAgumon: *looks to Kevin* Well, what do you think?

Kevin: *gives a small smirk* Now that's some serious firepower.

BlackAgumon: Gee, thanks!

*Meanwhile, as Mike and the Sergeant struggled, the Sergeant finally kicked Mike over him with his legs. Just as he recovered, he found himself face-to-face with a pistol aimed at his face, held by Chris. The Sergeant froze instantly as Chris looked him straight in the eye*

Chris: I'm only going to say this once: Back off!

Sergeant: Son, take it easy… You don't know what the hell you're doing. Put the gun down and we can talk this over…

Chris: Release my friends, then I'll drop the gun.

Sergeant: You don't understand! These monsters are dangerous.

Chris: Those monsters are my FRIENDS. Now, release them or I swear to god, I will shoot you in the face!

Sergeant: You can't be serious!

Chris: *cocks the gun* Can I?

Mike: Uh, Chris… Don't you think this is going a bit overboard?

Chris: *turns one eye to Mike* Mike, shut up and cover your ears!

Mike: *covers his ears* Oh god…

Chris: *presses the barrel against the Sergeant's forehead* You have to the count of three before I put a bullet in your skull.

ExVeemon: *turns to the scene, gasps* He wouldn't!

Chris: One…

Mike: *quietly* He would.

Chris: Two…

Sergeant: Kid, you're making a big mistake--

Chris: Three.

*In one swift motion, Chris moved the barrel close to the Sergeant's ear firing a single shot. BANG! The gunshot caused the Sergeant to cover his ears, quiver his eyes, and bend down in pain. Chris, however, stumbled backwards a bit from the recoil of the gunshot*

Sergeant: *holding his ears* AAAAHHHH!!! AAAAHHHHAAAAAHHHHH!!!!

General Stanford: *using his walkie-talkie* What the hell's going on out there? Someone tell me what happened! Over.

Chris: *points the gun at the walkie-talkie and fires*

General Stanford: *inside the vehicle* Damn it all! *tosses the walkie-talkie aside*

*Unfortunately for Chris, it didn't exactly go as planned as every soldier immediately turned to Chris with their guns cocked and aimed towards him. It took a moment for Chris to realize he really did go too far*

Chris: Crap… *drops the gun* This wasn't well thought out.

Mike: *sarcastically* Way to go, Emo, you’ve gone and screwed us!

Chris: *grinds his teeth, turns to Mike* I'M A-- Oh, forget it!

Robert: *sees Mike and Chris in trouble* Oh no… *to Kyubimon* Kyubimon, disarm them!

Kyubimon: No problem! *leaps in the air, spins* Dragon Wheel!!!

*Spinning rapidly, flames sprouted from Kyubimon’s body till she erupted into a fiery inferno. Her body transformed into a ball of swirling blue fire, taking the form of a mystical dragon. Like a slithering snake, it swirled around each soldier, each fearing the worse yet they couldn’t move. But rather than touching the soldiers, Kyubimon's attack caused all the guns to burn to ash and dust before she resumed her natural form next to Robert*

Mike: *in awe* Wow… That's new!

Sergeant: *mutters through his teeth* Damn! *holds one ear with one hand, waves the other* All units, stand down!

Chris: 'Bout time you came to your senses.

General Stanford: What the hell is going on out there!? *steps out of the vehicle* Someone better give me a good god damned expla-- *pause*

*General Stanford stopped talking the moment he laid eyes on the teenagers and their Digimon looming over his entire army, all bent down to the ground having lost all their weapons and hesitant to move. Stanford slowly approached to the head of the army, looking toward the digital creatures, who simply looked to the General with a stern expression*

Kyubimon: General Stanford?

General Stanford: *pause* Yes…?

Chris: We need to talk… Now.

General Stanford: *turns to Chris* Hmm… I know you… You're Commander Christie's boy, aren't you? Your father’s told me a lot about you.

Chris: *raises an eyebrow* You know my father?

General Stanford: I'm surprised you wouldn't know, or perhaps you never told your friends. *turns to Robert and the others* Your friend's father is one of my best soldiers, currently serving overseas. I only met him once during a re-supply mission. A promising soldier with years of experience. Or has he already told you that?

Chris: Frankly, “sir”, it's none of their business.

Joey: *to Robert* Chris' dad is in the military?

Robert: *to Joey* Yeah, he's off fighting terrorists in Afghanistan, or at least from what I heard.

General Stanford: *to Chris* Your father's a good man, probably one of the best I've ever met. And how disappointed he’ll be if he learns his only son turned against his own government. And for what? A bunch of monsters? Or maybe, the real question is… Why?

Joey: *interrupts* Because some of those monsters are our friends! Not all of them are bad; some of them have actually fought defending us! Yet that's how you're thanking them… By blowing them up?

Antylamon: Joey…

General Stanford: *turns to Joey* Two things, son. One, never interrupt a superior officer when he's in the middle of a conversation. Secondly, to ensure the safety of the human race, we do what we must. Think about it: How long will it be before these "friends" turn against you?

Kyubimon: General, neither myself, the Digimon beside me, nor even Antylamon are your enemies. For the past few days, we've fought to keep the peace of your world.

Antylamon: *slowly gets up* That's what I've tried to tell you; yet all you did was shoot at me!

General Stanford: Then explain why they keep coming into the city. Who or what sent them?

Kyubimon: *pause* We can't tell you exactly. All you need to know that it is far worse than any creatures that arrived.

*Suddenly there is a slight noise like the cocking of a gun. A sound rather small for normal ears to pick up, but Antylamon's ears perked up the moment she heard it. Miles away from their position, sitting in wait from a rooftop, one of Stanford's snipers was in position his aim towards the Digimon. He motioned the scope towards Kyubimon, awaiting a cue to fire*

Kyubimon: *continues* That’s the real enemy, General, the reason why these wild Digimon were sent to this city. This is not just a series of random attacks, they are preparing for something and unless we can compromise on the situation the whole world, all of humanity, will be doomed.

General Stanford: *pause* Do you know how long I've been at service? I've fought in a number of wars, serving hundreds of units preventing a possible invasion, and took every bullet when it counts for humanity‘s safety. If you truly think this "enemy" is going to put an end over what I've sworn to defend, I have a message of my own. *raises an arm* There will be no war against our planet and this will be stopped… Right now! *swipes his hand*

*BAM! Seeing the swipe, the sniper took fire with a single shot towards Kyubimon. The bullet flew past several buildings and got lower as it soars towards the intended target. By the time she turned around, the bullet came too fast for Kyubimon to dodge. Just as the bullet reached towards her, a massive axe slammed against the street stopping the bullet which dent before falling to the ground much to Stanford's shock. He looked up to see that the axe came from Antylamon, her axe a formation of her right hand, who stared down towards the General*

Antylamon: Nobody harms my friends!

Kyubimon: *turns to Antylamon* Nice save, old friend. Though you know their bullets can't hurt us.

Antylamon: *smiles* What can I say? It's a pleasure to be of service.

General Stanford: *sighs, sarcastically* This day just gets better and better… *uses his walkie-talkie* All units, incarcerate the children and shoot the monsters down! AND I MEAN NOW!!!

Kevin: *shakes his head* Knew they wouldn't listen.

*Just then, a tank approached the group aiming towards the Digimon and their human companions. Every soldier piled out of their trucks, cocking their rifles and heavy machinery to assist as the Sergeant issued the command*

Sergeant: All units, open fire!!

*BAM! BAM! BOOM! Explosions from the tanks and a barrage of bullets from the rifles and machine guns flew rapidly towards them. As the humans ducked for cover, Antylamon gracefully dodged the bullets and shells with ease. Suddenly, she turned with wide eyes to Joey, who tried to move away suddenly tripped and watched helplessly as a tank shell, meant for Antylamon, came toward him as he covered himself vainly. But instead of the explosion, Joey felt his body lifted off the ground by a giant hand and looked to see Antylamon had picked him up while in midair as the ground below them exploded with bits of pavement and fire*

Antylamon: Gotchya! *puts Joey on her shoulder* Hang on, you'll be safer up here.

Joey: Thanks, Ant!

Mike: *turns to a street, sees many tanks approaching* Rob! There's more tanks comin’ our way!

Robert: *looks to Kyubimon* Kyubimon?

Kyubimon: *nods* Right!

Mike: *to ExVeemon* You too, pal! Let's give 'em a hand!

ExVeemon: You got it!

*Charging forth at such a great pace, Rob and Mike held on as they rode atop their partners, Kyubimon and ExVeemon, making way towards the approaching tanks*

Robert: TAKE OUT THEIR GUNS!!! But do NOT harm the soldiers!

ExVeemon: Well, duh!

Kyubimon: FOX TAIL INFERNO!!!!

ExVeemon: VEE LASER!!!

*The attacks propelled towards the tanks and nearby military trucks, the various soldiers, seeing the attacks, escaped immediately. Just as the last few made a hasty retreat, the attacks made impact upon the vehicles, destroying them instantly. The soldiers and General Stanford looked at the inferno in awe, shocked at the power these creatures possessed*

Mike: *holds his arms up* Awesome!!

Robert: Don't get cocky! We're only supposed to protect Antylamon and Joey!

Mike: Where's your sense of fun?!

Robert: *face palms* Ugh, at least TRY not to kill the soldiers!!

ExVeemon: You got it, boss man!!

*Suddenly, a soldier took aim towards Antylamon with his rifle and fired with a loud BANG! However, the bullet missed the Digimon slightly only grazing Joey's right arm, causing it to bleed instantly*

Joey: AAAHHH!!!

*The shock of the blast caused Joey to clutch his bleeding arm. But without means to balance himself, Joey ended up leaning back and fell from Antylamon's shoulder*

Joey: *falling* ANTYLAMOOOOOOOON!!!!

Antylamon: *tries to catch Joey, but fails* NO!!!

Robert: JOEY!!!!

Kyubimon: Hyah!! *jumps up in the air and catches Joey on her back* Got you!

Joey: *clutches his arm, tightly* Robert, my arm… It hurts so bad…

Robert: *holds Joey close* It's okay, Joey! You're going to be all right!

General Stanford: *approaches the soldier, grips his shoulders* What the hell was that for? I said incarcerate the boy, not shoot him!

Soldier 4: It's not my fault, sir! I only meant to halt the rabbit, but I missed!

Antylamon: *stares at Joey, shocked* Joey…

*Suddenly, Antylamon felt a burning rage inside her and her brows narrowed with  anger and outrage over what that soldier did. She turned towards the military, intent on making them pay for what was done*

Antylamon: That does it… BUNNY BLADES!!!!

*Unleashing a mighty cry, her arms instantly transformed into axe blades. She bounded at a great velocity, slicing and swiping all the trucks, jeeps, and tank cannons that stood in her way. Only one tank stood, as a soldier emerged from a hatch almost terrified by the sight. Seeing the tank, Antylamon made for that one as well*

Antylamon: Hyah!!

*The soldier jumped off in time, as Antylamon immediately split the tank in half before exploding in the middle of the street. Finally coming to a halt, Antylamon slowly turned toward the intimidated soldiers, her eyes staring with menacing anger*

Antylamon: Any more of my friends you wish to hurt?

Sergeant: *turns to General Stanford* General, what are your orders?! Sir?!

General Stanford: *eyes widen* Jesus… *uses his walkie-talkie* Fall back! All units, lay down your arms and fall back!

Sergeant: But what about the kids?

General Stanford: They're not worth it! Return to base now!

Sergeant: Yes, sir!

*Soon, the soldiers retreated from the scene. Any military vehicles left or what remained of their tanks, the soldiers immediately took passage and disappeared. As the last jeep got set to depart, Stanford turned back to Kyubimon, her eyes on the General*

General Stanford: Well played, fox. Seems like I took you and your friends for granted.

Kyubimon: I could say the same for you and your troops, General.

General Stanford: Don't think this settles everything; I intend to have you and your friends brought down. But for now… It’s only fair that you'd be given a head start. *slowly approaches the jeep, then turns to Chris* Beware the company you keep. It’s a matter of time before they act like the others. Then you must decide where you stand and which side you'll fight for, *motions to the jeep* Ours… *motions to the Digimon* Or theirs?

Chris: *pause* My place is with my friends, sir; I won't hesitate to fight for them.

General Stanford: *pause* So be it.

*Turning back to the jeep, Stanford boarded it joining the other soldiers. Chris and the others stood and watched as the jeep roared out down the street before fading away in the distance*

Kevin: Well, they're retreating.

Chris: For now…

Robert: Come on, we need to get Joey some medical attention.

Chris: How will you explain this to your mom? That a soldier shot him during a monster attack on the city?

Robert: *pause* Then we go to Central Park. Once I've collected some medical supplies from the drug store for Joey, we'll meet up with you then.

Chris: *nods* Understood.

*Later, back at Central Park, the group sat patiently, if not anxiously. for someone to break the silence that filled the park. All Antylamon could do was look over Joey, who laid to rest upon her shoulder. She couldn't help but feel concern for Joey's wound, a wound barely patched with gauze wrap. Even Robert was  worried for his brother, knowing yet another family member was put in harm's way. But otherwise, Joey was fine though he was rather silent*

Mike: Well that was smart… Not only does everyone know about Antylamon and our Digimon, now they know we are in league with them as well. *sighs* Guess it's no secret anymore, is it?

Robert: *shakes his head* Unfortunately, no.

Chris: For now, only the military knows we have Digimon and some have seen them digivolve… But once everyone catches on, none of us will be truly safe.

*Just then, the sound of a cell phone's ring tone could be heard. Chris reached into his pocket, pulled out his cell phone and answered*

Chris: Hello? *pause* Yeah, it's me. *pause* What? Why?! *pause* But I was-- *pause* I had to help my friends out real quick-- *pause* ARG!!! *hangs up*

Kevin: Who was that?

Chris: My boss… The bastard fired me for ditching my job to help you… You… *turns to Antylamon* THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!!

Antylamon: I-I didn't mean to cause trouble. I am truly sorry for everything that's happened…

Kevin: This is no time to play the blame game… We have bigger conflicts to settle.

Joey: That reminds me. *to Antylamon* What were you doing out in the city anyway?

Antylamon: Well, to be honest, Joey, I…I was looking for you.

Joey: For me? But…didn't you come here for Renamon?

Antylamon: It's strange… I thought for certain I came seeking Renamon, only to realize I wasn't certain at all. But then, I suddenly felt this connection between you and me, as if hinting towards some peculiar sign. Before this whole fiasco, I never realized it at first… But now I do.

Joey: Really? *pause* You know…it's weird, because…I felt the same way…about you.

Robert: But, that could only mean--

*Suddenly, a bright glowing light appeared from Antylamon's forehead burning bright as moonlight. Merging through, a similar glowing object appeared floating towards Joey, who held his hands out for the object to land. As the glow faded, the object was soon revealed to be an orange digivice, much to his surprise*

Joey: *eyes widen* A-A digivice? For me? *looks up at Antylamon* And…you're my partner?

Renamon: *nods approvingly* It would seem we have new members among us. Congratulations, Joey and Antylamon.

Joey: *throws up his arms in excitement* WAHOO!! I'm a tamer!! YEAH!!! *hugs Antylamon's head*

Antylamon: *tears steam down her face* Reuniting with an old friend, now to gain a new one! I couldn't be happier!

Chris: *leans against a tree* Well this is all well and good indeed; but in case you forgot, our Digimon are fugitives. The military may return at anytime, with questions about our alliance with the Digimon. *sighs* Doesn't even help that I'm unemployed.

Antylamon: Again, I'm truly sorry, Chris.

Chris: *sighs* I don't blame you… Just that damn disc.

Joey: So what do we do now?

Chris: Well, for one, Antylamon needs a place to hide. After what went down with the military, they'll be looking for her trail for certain.

Joey: Can't she just stay in the park?

Antylamon: I don't mind staying here; I am very well hidden when I want to be. And if anyone does see me, I can just run.

Robert: Can't argue with that logic. *checks his watch* It's getting late, we might as well get home now.

Chris: Alright. Be careful, guys.

Antylamon: *gently takes Joey off her shoulder, setting him on the ground* There you go, Joey.

Joey: Be careful out there, Antylamon. Oh, and… Thanks.

Antylamon: You're welcome, Joey. See you tomorrow.

*Joey nodded and slowly turned to walk home. Just as Antylamon turned to enter the forest, she suddenly heard the patter of feet and saw Joey running towards her. She was surprised when Joey embraced her leg, hugging her.. The whole motion made Antylamon speechless, until a smile slowly formed for how the boy felt. Then finally, Joey released his grip and walked away as he looked back towards Antylamon with a smile. Antylamon looked out towards Joey with similar joy, then she made her way deep into the forest, blending in with the tall dark trees, vanishing nearly completely*

*By now, everyone left Central Park except for Robert and Renamon. As the only ones left, Robert felt this was the perfect time to stay a while to talk with his partner*

Robert: Renamon… What were you and Antylamon talking about earlier this afternoon?

Renamon: *pause* I'm sorry, Robert. But that information is strictly between Antylamon and I. I cannot tell you that.

Robert: But I'm your partner, I think I have a right to know.

Renamon: *pause* Someday, you'll understand that there are things that must stay a secret for good reason. Just because we're partners doesn't guarantee we know everything about each other. I won't say what it is, but I give my word. When the time is right, one day, I'll tell you and maybe you'll understand why I couldn't say it before.

Robert: *sighs and nods* Okay… I just hope that'll be soon… Goodnight, Renamon. *walks off toward home*

Renamon: Stay safe, Robert… *vanishes from sight*

Episode 5 of Digimon: Heroes. On a seemingly normal day, Robert's brother encounters and makes friends with an innocent giant rabbit Digimon. But now he has to hide her from a band of paranoid military forces, who intend to either capture or destroy her. Will he succeed or will he lose his friend forever?

Update 2013: Fixed up the episode with the help of :iconwrestlemaniac829:

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MasterofWolves99's avatar
oh wow, I must say that this is another great chapter! Love the interaction between the Digimon and the Soldiers and one would wonder if the relation between the Digidestineds and General Stanford would improve after such an event. I must say that this is really a good introduction for Antylamon and to see her and Joey becoming partners. I can't wait to see more of it and no doubt wonders what the future revamp chapters will hold!

Keep it up!