
Digimon: Heroes Episode 34

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*New Delhi, India. Morning. Chris, Rixu, and their Digimon were traveling throughout the large city*

Angelomon: *eyes widen* Wow, look at this place.

Rixu: A lot different from what I imagined. It's kinda modern looking.

Monodramon: It beats the last place we were at, if you ask me.

Rixu: At least d'Arcmon seemed happy there, now that she's with MagnaAngemon.

Chris: Yeah, especially now that my dad's safe.

Rixu: So, any evil Digimon around here?

Angelomon: Hmm, haven't been able to sense any real baddies since we got here.

Monodramon: So, what should we do? Personally, I wanna see this Taj Mahal place.

Chris: Well, it's not like we're in any hurry…Why not?

Rixu: Let's fly there.

Monodramon: Ready when you are.

Chris: You up for it, Ange?

Angelomon: You betchya! It'll be fun!

Rixu: What harm can it do? *pulls out his digivice* Digivolve!

Monodramon: *digivolves* Monodramon digivolve to…Cyberdramon!!

Chris: *pulls out his digivice* Digivolve!

Angelomon: *digivolves* Angelomon digivolve to…PlusAngelomon!!

*Unbeknownst to them, a little girl was witnessing the digivolution, scared out of her wits*

Girl: AAAAHHHH!!!! MONSTERS!!! *runs away*

Chris: *sarcastically* What harm could it do?

Rixu: *sweat drops* Uh…Oops.

Cyberdramon: *calling out to the little girl* Hey! We're the good guys here!!

Angelomon: No use, dude. She's gone.

Rixu: Haven't these people heard of us?

PlusAngelomon: From the sound of the screaming...nope.

Rixu: Great, our day's ruined.

PlusAngelomon: Yeah, we better go back to normal before something else goes wrong.

???: Excuse me!

Chris: Huh?

Rixu: Who said that?

*Just then, a cloaked figure walked out from the shadows and motioned the two Heroes and their Digimon to follow him*

Cyberdramon: *narrows his eyebrows* Grrr…

Rixu: A Digimon?

Cyberdramon: Maybe.

???: Follow me.

Rixu: Hmm…This guy seems suspicious. I say we don't follow him. What do you think, Chris?

Chris: Well…he's the only lead we have. Better follow him for now.

*Rixu, Chris, and their Digimon, follow the mysterious figure, who leads them to a secluded area outside of town, where there are few buildings. Most of them were in ruins*

Rixu: Okay, who are you? Are you with the resistance in the Digital World?

???: My name is Asuramon. I am…part of the resistance, yes...

Monodramon: Funny, I haven't seen you before.

Angelomon: Me neither.

Chris: Let's see what the digivice has to say. *holds out his digivice and scans Asuramon* Asuramon. An Ultimate level, Demon Man Digimon. His attack is Fire Fists of Shiva. *to himself* That's strange. It doesn't say what type he is.

Asuramon: Correct. Though you could've simply ask me that sort of thing.

Rixu: We just want to make sure, is all.

Asuramon: So, what brings you humans here and your Digimon?

Chris: I thought you knew. Superimon's sending his troops to countries all over the world. What are you doing here?

Asuramon: Er, um… I entered into the human world by accident.

Rixu: What do you mean "by accident"?

Chris: Probably like the other wild Digimon we faced before Superimon's real troops appeared.

Asuramon: Yes. I don't know how I got here and I don't know how I'll get back.

Angelomon: So, what do you do around here?

Asuramon: I've just been exploring, trying to figure out where I am.

Monodramon: Well, you're in New Delhi, India. We're strangers here, too.

Angelomon: We're from New York city, in the United States of America.

Asuramon: Interesting…Do you think you can help me get home?

Chris: Hmm, I don't know. I guess you're stuck here.

Rixu: Maybe you can go back when the war's over.

Asuramon: But I have family back home. Plus, I was an engineer there. I could put together a vortex generator if I had all the parts.

Rixu: *raises an eyebrow* A vortex generator? Is he serious?

Monodramon: You can do that?

Asuramon: Yes, I'd get the supplies myself, but the people fear me too much for me to enter the cities or towns.

Rixu: You have that cloak of yours.

Asuramon: It's not enough. I lost it once, during a wind storm, while I tried to collect my supplies, and I was revealed to the entire city. I recovered it after the storm, but they got smart to me, and now I can't go back.

Chris: Well...that sucks. I wonder what you look like under there.

Angelomon: Maybe we shouldn't ask. It's probably private.

Asuramon: I am asking you this favor. I can give a list of what I need, where to find it, and what it looks like.

Rixu: Could you…give us a second?

*The two Heroes and their Digimon huddle up in a hushed conversation*

Rixu: I don't know what to make of this guy.

Chris: Me neither. He sounds like he's telling the truth, and he seems sincere. What about you guys?

Monodramon: I've heard of an Asuramon before, I just can't remember where.

Chris: Angelomon, what about you? Should we trust him?

Angelomon: He seems okay, he just wants to get back home to his family.

Monodramon: Maybe he could send us home. We could do a lot better fighting back in the Digital World.

Chris: Umm…maybe we should help him.

Rixu: But what about Robert and the others? Besides, we still have China and Japan to visit. You can't leave us.

Angelomon: How about we just help Asuramon get back home.

Chris: Are you sure about that? You don't wanna go home?

Angelomon: *smiles* What, and leave you?

Chris: *pause* You're right. I say we help him.

Rixu: Well, if you're sure, then I'm sure, too. Monodramon?

Monodramon: I'm not too sure, but I'll help anyway.

Asuramon: Well, have you decided?

*The Heroes break up the huddle and face Asuramon*

Rixu: We've decided to help you.

Chris: The resistance needs your skills back in the Digital World.

Asuramon: *smiles* Wonderful. *pulls out a few sheets of paper* Here's a small list of the components that I need.

Rixu: Easy. After all, India is a very industrial country, we can get this stuff quick...I think.

Chris: Then let's get this done.

Angelomon: Yeah!

*The Heroes and their Digimon run off to get the parts, unknowing that another mysterious figure watched them from the shadows*

???: I mustn't let them build that portal…

*Later, the Heroes and their Digimon were hunting for parts on the list, while trying to avoid all the crowding people in the streets, and their livestock*

Chris: Eww! It smells like a barn around here.

Rixu: A barn, but with longhorn, goats…and elephants.

Monodramon: So, where are those parts he needs?

Rixu: In various industrial warehouses. And the list is written so that it tell us where to find them and what they look like. Some pieces are even in the same places as others.

Chris: Thank god! Then let's hurry up, already.

*Later, the Heroes and their Digimon search for the parts at one of the warehouses*

Rixu: Okay we need a High Frequency Relay…*points* That thing over there and a four hundred amp resister bulb…*points* Over there.

Monodramon: On it! *runs over and gets the bulb* Got it!

Angelomon: *struggles with the relay* This thing is heaver then it looks.

Chris: *helps Angelomon with the relay* I got your back, buddy.

Rixu: *puts away the list and puts a finger to his chin* Hmm…something doesn't feel right.

Monodramon: What do you mean?

Rixu: How do we know Asuramon is trustworthy?

Chris: Guy just wants to get back home and he knows how to do it. He just needed our help,

Rixu: But your digivice didn't even say what type he was.

Chris: That's true. But that doesn't mean anything, other then there might be a bug in the scanner.

Rixu: Since when have our digivices malfunctioned? Yours is the only one that has so far, and this isn't the first time!

*Chris just remains silent and narrows his eyebrows*

Angelomon: Hmm…Maybe he's right…

Rixu: *realizes what he said* Chris…I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean that.

Chris: *narrows his eyebrows* Just forget it, okay?

Rixu: *nods* Okay…I guess we should keep getting parts.

Chris: Yes, we should.

Rixu: Hmm…*eyes around the warehouse* Hey!.

Monodramon: What is it now?

Rixu: Do you get the feeling that we're being…watched?

Monodramon: What do you mean?

Rixu: *shakes it off* Nothing…

*Meanwhile, the mysterious figure watched the Heroes from outside the warehouse window*

*Later that afternoon, Asuramon was working on a large ring like device, just as the Heroes and their Digimon returned with all the parts he needed*

Monodramon: I hope we got all the parts.

Asuramon: You did, but now it's a matter of putting them in the right places and the right time.

Chris: Soon, you'll be back in the Digital World where you belong.

Asuramon: And I have you heroes to thank for this.

Monodramon: T'was nothin', really.

Asuramon: Now stand back, I'm about to activate it.

*Suddenly, Chris' digivice radar began to go off*

Angelomon: What is it?

Chris: *pulls out his digivice, which shows Asuramon's stats again* The digivice is just saying Asuramon's information again. Maybe it IS buste- *notices the word 'virus' in the type description* Huh? *eyes widen* Oh my God! Guys, get away! He's a Virus type!!

Asuramon: *chuckles* Well done, you've figured me out.

Monodramon: *gasps* Now I remember, he's Suprimon's chief engineer!!

Rixu: I knew it, I knew something funny was going on!!

Asuramon: And you Heroes helped me with my plan. I wasn't going to use this gate to go home, I was going to use it to bring some friends over!!

Chris: You tricked us, you bastard!!

Asuramon: That's right! Now, with this vortex generator, I can expand the size of any Digital Gate, and bring an army of Digimon solders over!! *incinerates his cloak with flames, revealing his true form* HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

Rixu: Three faces. No wonder he tricked us so well!

Asuramon: You played right into my hands, all of them!!

Chris: You're not bringing anyone, 'cause we're gonna kick your ass!!

Rixu: *pulls out his digivice* Monodramon, time to digivolve!!

Monodramon: Right! *digivolves* Monodramon digivolve to…Cyberdramon!!

Chris: You too, Angelomon! *holds out his digivice* Digivolve!!

Angelomon: *digivolves* Angelomon digivolve to…PlusAngelomon!!  

Chris: Get him!!

Rixu: Wipe the pavement with his face, all three of them!!

Cyberdramon: You got it! Desolation Claw!!

Asuramon: *dodges the attack* Fire Fists of Shiva!! *fires several fire balls from his fists*

Chris: Look out!!

*PlusAngelomon and Cyberdramon dodge a few of the fire balls, but are hit soon after*

Rixu: Cyberdramon!!

Asuramon: *begins working the console to the generator* Let's level the playing field, shall we?

Chris: You son of a bitch!!

Asuramon: HA HA HA!!! What are you going to do? Your were all dumb enough to fall for my sob story, what makes you think you can best me?

???: How about this! Fist of the Beast King!!

*Suddenly, a stream of yellow energy in the shape of a lion's head shoots out from nowhere and hits Asuramon, causing him to hit against the wall*

Rixu: Whoa! Where did that come from?!

*Just then, Leomon walked out from the shadows and up to the Heroes*

Leomon: That came from me.

Rixu: *turns around and sees Leomon* Um, Chris, look!!

Chris: *turns around and sees Leomon* What the? Is that…Leomon?

Leomon: Friends of Kevin and Mike, I presume?

Chris: Yeah, how'd you know?

Leomon: They told me a lot about you two. Chris and Rixu, right?

Chris: Yeah, that's right.

Rixu: How did you get here from Africa so fast?

Leomon: I teleported. It's a secret ability of mine only used in case of emergencies.

Cyberdramon: Excuse me! Do you mind helping us?!

Asuramon: *slowly gets up* So you got the best of me, big deal! I've already activated the vortex generator.

Leomon: So, up to your old tricks again, Asuramon? I thought I taught you a lesson the last time we met. Tricking these two kids and their Digimon, now that's low, even for you.

Asuramon: What ever it takes to win, Leomon!!

Leomon: I'll teach you! Beast Sword!!

PlusAngelomon: Plus Beam!!

Asuramon: *dodges the attack, but is hit by Leomon* AUGH!!!

*Suddenly, the ground begins to shake as the vortex generator begins to open up, revealing a swirling black and white portal*

Asuramon: *smiles evilly* HAHAHAHA!!!! You're too late, the vortex is opening!!

PlusAngelomon: We gotta shut that thing down!!

Cyberdramon: But how?

Chris: *snaps his fingers* I have an idea, knock him into the vortex!

Cyberdramon: Are you sure, Chris? What if he just comes back?

Chris: Trust me! By the looks of that portal, he won't!

PlusAngelomon: I trust you, Chris! *charges toward Asuramon*

Leomon: As do I!! *charges toward Asuramon*

Cyberdramon: Grrr!!! Cyber Nail!!

Leomon: Fist of the Beast King!!

PlusAngelomon: Plus Beam!!

Asuramon: *is hit by the attacks and is thrown into the vortex* I'LL GET YOU FOR THIS!!! YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THE LAST OF ME!!!! *disappears*

Chris: Oh yes, we have! *picks up a large rock and smashes the console, causing the vortex to disappear* That's it. *drops the rock onto the ground*

Rixu: Hmm…That's the third Digimon we didn't have to destroy.

Chris: Must be some kind of record.

PlusAngelomon: At least New Delhi is safe from him and his army.

Rixu: *turns to Leomon* Thanks for helping us, Leomon.

Leomon: I go where I am needed.

Chris: Mike was right, you DO kick ass! So, what will you do now?

Leomon: I'm going back to Africa, I'm needed back there.

Chris: Well, thanks for your help.

Leomon: *bows* Any time, my friends. If you ever see Kevin and Michael again, tell them I said hello. Farewell, Digimon Heroes. May the Digital World be free again…someday. *teleports away*

*PlusAngelomon and Cyberdramon then de-digivolve to their Rookie forms*

Angelomon: Wow, what a great Digimon.

Monodramon: I just wonder how Asuramon was able to hide himself from our scanners until the last minute.

Rixu: That's what I wanna know. Hmm…Maybe it was his cloak.

Chris: Maybe, but he WAS clever. But now he's trapped between worlds.

Rixu: Yeah. Trapped in Dimensional Limbo…what a horrible fate.

Monodramon: Guys…can we see the Taj Mahal now?

Chris: *smiles* Sure, why not?

*Later, the Heroes and their Digimon stare at the Taj Mahal, as the sun sets. Sitar music can be heard in the background*

Monodramon: Wow!

Chris: Rixu, sorry about earlier, I didn't mean to loose my cool like that.

Rixu: No, it's okay. I know he'll never become Diabolasmon again. It was just a stupid thing to say, is all.

Chris: Yeah, well, that's in the past. Best thing we can do now is look forward to tomorrow.

Rixu: Yeah. Well, two countries down, two to go.

Chris: Long road ahead, but we can handle it.
Episode 34 of Digimon: Heroes. Rixu and Chris investigate in India and discover a new Digimon. But is he friend or foe?
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Picklesdds's avatar
Just a nitpick, but Asuramon is VACCINE, not virus. Zanyamon, His digivolution, is a virus.